Nutrients BioBizz Feeding Schedule

Thx guys!

I just don't understand how you can use so much "grow" with autos? I burn mine even thou I never go above 1.5ml/L.
I also read somewhere (I think here) reply from BioBizz where they said that using LightMix soil with autos one should follow feeding for AllMix soil which never goes above 1ml/L "grow".

But you guys seem to do OK with going up to 3 and even 4ml/L "grow"?!?

I must have some weak ass strain :D
So far I have used 4 different strains and they all were burned and I use much less then you guys. But I have not used AlgAMic yet, I was told that it would help with overfeeding so perhaps that was missing...

I have also read some more and modified my schedule to this (basically less grow and more of the others):

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How did this schedule do for you?