Nutrients BioBizz Feeding Schedule

Jul 25, 2018
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Hi guys

I will soon start my third grow with autos and using BioBizz Light Mix soil and nutes.
On my both previous growth I have burned the plants and had what I think was some cal/mag issues.
I grow under LED.

Well you live and learn so I hope following nute schedule will do me better this time, any input or suggestion?
I will use RO water this time. I feed with every watering and I usually do that each other day, or more or less depending on how dry the soil is but so far it has almost always been each other day.

AlgAMic is new for this grow, never used it before but I was told it should help a lot keeping everything in check.

The only non BioBizz product I use is CalMag which is: Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra.

Down below I have attached my schedule, the numbers are ml/L.

Screenshot 2018-12-27 at 11.54.19.png
This is my general feed when using light mix hope it helps

Week1 day 4
Bio Bizz Grow 0.5ml,Bio Bizz Heaven 0.5ml Per L,TopMax 0.5ml

Grow 1ml,Heaven 1ml, Alg A Mic 1ml per L,TopMax 1ml

Week 3-5
Grow 2ml,Heaven 2ml, Alg A Mic 2ml per L TopMax 1ml
Week 5
Grow 4ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 4ml, Bloom 2ml per L,TopMax 2ml

Week 6
Grow 4ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 4ml, Bloom 2ml,TopMax 2ml
Week 7
Grow 4ml, Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 4ml,Bloom 3ml, TopMax 3ml

Week 8-10 week Pre-Harvest
Grow 2ml, Heaven 4ml,Alg A Mic 4ml, Bloom 3ml,TopMax 4ml

Week 10
Heaven 4ml,Bloom 4ml,TopMax 4ml

Week 11
Plain Water (I have done this with out plain water and extended Week 10's feed till harvest day doesnt affect taste or smoke)


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Thx guys!

I just don't understand how you can use so much "grow" with autos? I burn mine even thou I never go above 1.5ml/L.
I also read somewhere (I think here) reply from BioBizz where they said that using LightMix soil with autos one should follow feeding for AllMix soil which never goes above 1ml/L "grow".

But you guys seem to do OK with going up to 3 and even 4ml/L "grow"?!?

I must have some weak ass strain :D
So far I have used 4 different strains and they all were burned and I use much less then you guys. But I have not used AlgAMic yet, I was told that it would help with overfeeding so perhaps that was missing...

I have also read some more and modified my schedule to this (basically less grow and more of the others):

Just stick with what you feel comfortable feeding them mate. The plants will tell you if they need more or less by their leaves.
That @Spanglish has a lot to answer for when he started putting up detailed grow schedules :thumbsup:

I have heard [HASHTAG]#hairymansfishmix[/HASHTAG] works well throughout the grow :thumbsup:
Thx guys!

I just don't understand how you can use so much "grow" with autos? I burn mine even thou I never go above 1.5ml/L.
I also read somewhere (I think here) reply from BioBizz where they said that using LightMix soil with autos one should follow feeding for AllMix soil which never goes above 1ml/L "grow".

But you guys seem to do OK with going up to 3 and even 4ml/L "grow"?!?

I must have some weak ass strain :D
So far I have used 4 different strains and they all were burned and I use much less then you guys. But I have not used AlgAMic yet, I was told that it would help with overfeeding so perhaps that was missing...

I have also read some more and modified my schedule to this (basically less grow and more of the others):

View attachment 992614
Activera is the one you want for overfeeding, I give it to mine every two weeks at 4ml p/l it's really good for plants health's and also for when she needs nursing back to health haha.

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