Dutch Passion Billy Wu's second grow - Think Different (w/CO2 enrichment)

Day 41 update


Everything is going perfect right now! Got a perfect pH runoff of 6.5 still, all of the newest growth (and most of the growth on the underside too) are looking perfectly green, bar a few red stems and brown spots on a couple of leaves.
Almost run out of CO2 already, I think my controller unit is adding too much into the grow room so I've ordered another timer to activate it only every 15 minutes.

Here are some pictures!





I got a feeling that when the buds grow big, it's gonna look really amazing above the screen :]
Hey billy me again...I am doing two 5 gal buckets took me apx 1.5 hrs to empty the water, wash and disinfect the buckets, mix the nutrients, ph/ppm the water, set the RO system to make more reserve water... just some things to expect time wise ...here is a pic of the air stone and a way to stabilize it in the bucket ...something to think about....
View attachment 136695

View attachment 136696

Thats looks pretty cool but a simple 4-6" round stone works just fine. I use 70 lpm pump for the DWC systems. the one think different has enveloped the stone completly and is drinking about a gallon a day with the BMO. Just to sahre the BMO, with a 6 bucket earo system, the plants are taking about a gallon each a day and the holding tank goes from 25gallons to sucking air in in a couple of days if im not carful and the ph and ppm stay exactly the same. we run 5.8ph and about 400-500ppm.

Day 43 update

All is going well, just a picture update and a question or two. On a side note, this plant is massive, probably as big as the other one! Also, the main stem has recovered quite well, it's gone really fat and tough in the area that broke.

#1 - Should I cut away some of these leaves to allow light to get to the buds underneath? There's a lot of veg growth that could be trimmed to allow light to get to smaller buds on the underside, but is it worth it?






What do you mean by 'lolly pop' J Tang? :pimp:
Picture a lollipop, long stem, all the good stuff up top.
Under the screen is pretty shaded, and can be at risk of
trapping humid air and becoming at risk of mould etc.
Though Ive not yet done a ScrOG Ive done a bit of research
and the majority will lollipop the plants removing the lower
foliage. Always a controversial issue though as some see it as
overly stressful for the plants. Definitely worth further study.
PS Ignore this and see video above which arrived as I was writing
post. :lol: