New Grower Bombing Run.

8 went pretty quick the other day. 4 to go monday, and 4 on tuesday. Still no word from the fried I originally started them for.

Update later on the big girls when the lights come on.
Hey Bill . :bighug:looking good! did i ever tell you i own stock in the solo cup company. :cheers:
Who would turn those down? Looking great. Clones cost a little bit for good ones don't they? Someone is missing out big time if they ignore you.
#23....4th wk of flower..
Just normal feed/watering. Big Bomb started some yellowing all the way up the fan leaves. A bit extra N feed seems to have halted it. Will keep an eye on it. Normal occasional low fan yellowing on the rest.

Lil big bomb.

Hash bomb


Gorilla bomb


Big bomb


Wow Bill...You've been busy. Did I already tell you how much fun your going to have trimming up those lovely ladies? :biggrin:
opinions wanted
Been looking at medium options and thinking about maybe trying out the GH waterfarm singles. Anyone using/tried em? Any problems or mods . Any nutes to NOT use in them (currently using MC and like it). Any advise on it appreciated.
#24...5th wk flower
Just a group pic this week. Had em out yesterday for a little trimming. Colas getting bigger and more distinctive. Hash Bomb still lighter shade no matter what gets done. Maybe genetics. Probably a full shower feed today or tomorrow.

And now for some magic. Now you see em.

now you dont

Clones all gone, time to clean and work on closet grow area. Still haven't installed exhaust fan and filter and got light leaks to sort.
Pretty well decided on going for autopots now instead of venturing into hydroponics as I'm mainly wanting to ease the workload not increase it.
They all look great Bill!!! :pass: