Lighting Bilbo's Brief Guide to Choosing Your LED.

Here is the reason that buying lights based on wattage of power used fails to be of any real use in rating grow lights. And even Lumen are a poor measure but better than wattage. How many lumen do those 12 CFLs produce? Less than a 300 watt LED grow light!! CFLs are fine in micro grows, very small spaces, but even them, there are now LED lights that will do the job better. 300 watt LED grow lights now cost less than $100, I've seen some Mars Hydro 300 watt lights for the same $71 dollars on ebay. And with CFLs you really should replace them every grow as they lose output by 20% or more in 90 days.

I scrapped the whole idea and got a 300w mars. I know common sense when I hear it
fantastic read , im still researching looking for as you put it "a good bang for my buck" , theres so many bad writeups on led panels its a minefield trying to work out which ones actually will do the job and hopefully carry a bit of warranty, great thread guys
There are quite a few people here using Mars Hydro lights. Why? Because they have good lights at a fair prices. Are they the best light?No they are not. but they are certainly better than what seems to be the average. You could spend more and get no better IMO. I own 4 of their lights because they do the job and they do it well. I'd certainly never go back to MH/HPS

fantastic read , im still researching looking for as you put it "a good bang for my buck" , theres so many bad writeups on led panels its a minefield trying to work out which ones actually will do the job and hopefully carry a bit of warranty, great thread guys
There are quite a few people here using Mars Hydro lights. Why? Because they have good lights at a fair prices. Are they the best light?No they are not. but they are certainly better than what seems to be the average. You could spend more and get no better IMO. I own 4 of their lights because they do the job and they do it well. I'd certainly never go back to MH/HPS

out of interest how many , and which model mars lights would you say would be best to cover 6 plants in a 2.4mtr long by 1,2mtr wide tent , im last ran 2x600hps in cooltubes and a 300enviro results were ok i pulled just over 16oz so im hoping more from leds :)
Would it be worth it to flower autos in a 4'6"longX2'wideX3' high cab using LED's? If so what would lights would be suggested for a space like that?
Has anyone heard from Bilbo lately?
another question..I'm confused..I read a watt thing back on the post..30-40 watt per sq/ft..Is that the light output or the actual power draw I sould be looking at?

another question..I'm confused..I read a watt thing back on the post..30-40 watt per sq/ft..Is that the light output or the actual power draw I sould be looking at?

I use actual