See the big bushy bastard all the way to the right ? It is the only one out of the four not to flower. All are the Big Gun strain except the one with the Ionizer on its bucket, that one's an Amnesia Auto. All were germinated and planted at same time/date. Why won't it flower? I really want them to be in sync so I can move my dwc in to flower, after these finish. It's extremely lush, just look at the stem on it.... would I benefit from putting it in darkness for like 48 hrs or maybe put them all on a 12/12 until it shows sex? Any help or advice would be awesome - Thanks in advance
I just did that myself..24 hours of darkness in a closet..Then back to the tent with her sis's..That was two days ago..I just this morning I believe I see signs of tiny hairs starting..My fingers are still crossed but looking favorable..
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