hi dude ive got a problem my leafs are still yellowing i cut the dead parts off the leafs when we last spoke so i could see any changes didnt i and they have.i went out the other day and bought some ph test kit(the drops)and i have taken a ph test and it was between 7.5 and 8.5 (run off)so i flushed them with lots of water and i got them down between 6.5 and 7.0.i gave them some fishmix last time we spoke and still got lots of yellowing.havent got a clue what to do?,feeding day is today and have let them dry right out.what should i do?.realy worried now
I cant understand why flushing would lower your ph having fert in your soil would make it lower
on pic 5 she looks over watered how long are they going before drying out?
you need to foliar feed with 1ml fish per litre and 1/4 tsp of epsom (have you done this)
7.5-8.5 is well high whats ph is your tap water
you do realise you have flushed the epsom as well it will have to be reaplied the mg defiency has come back
I would feed 2.5ml per litre and get some feed in there and add 1/2 tsp epsom to one jug
>>i feed them 1 day then about the 3rd day they start to wilt apart from the smallest one.
>>i tested my tap water it was in the first blue on my chart which is 8.5.
>>yeah i did spray leafs with 1ml of fishmix.(but not the epsom as you never mention it?)
>>i dont think they r over watered coz they are nearly bone dry when i water i put my fingers in the soil about 2ins and feel the bottom holes?
how did you get the ph down to 6.5-7?
i never mentioned the epsom spray i put it on there to make up for the flush
ok not overwatering then try to catch them before the wilt
i just flushed lots of water through them,i toke a test of the run off before and then after i started with one plant to see if it worked and it did.the yellowing started agian before i flushed them.so i left them a couple of days then flush them. (i never mentioned the epsom spray because the medium had not been flushed then) that makes sense lol.
still not 100% sure whats going on as i cant see how runing 8.5 water through the medium lowers it, unless you flushed the fert into the run off
ph a jug of water to ph 7 with vinegar or lemon juice
add 2.5ml fish mix per litre
and 1/2 tsp of epsom salts to the mix
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