New Grower Beyond expectations. A big thank you to all.

I would agree with Froot. Looking great and tasty now, though! Believe me, I can see the temptation! Be patient and the plant will reward you!

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Chopped and dried. I dried them for 11 days (whole plant hang) and they felt 'crispy' to touch. So I chopped them all up and put them into jars with Boveda packs. That was yesterday. Today I opened one of the jars and the buds felt damp. Now I'm confused like anything. This is my first grow, I've never dried or cured before and I can't find any information if crispy dried bud goes soft and damp after going into jars? Now I'm worried about mold forming and don't know what to do ...
No problem, man! Just take them out of the jars for a bit, and let the air hit em, then put them back. You probably don't need the boveda in there when you put them back. Get some cheap hygrometers and throw in the jar so you can always garage humidity.

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Thank you @Iriee Vibez I took them out and they went crispy again. Here's the haul at the end of the grow. 6x 64oz/1.8 liter jars and 3x 32oz/ 1 liter jars. I got 3x 64oz/1.8 liter and 1 32oz/1 liter jars of White Widow, and 3x 64oz/1.8 and 2x 32oz/1 liter jars of Amnesia. Not a bad haul for my first ever grow :)

Thank you to all who helped me along the way. Its been a fun adventure, and I leaned a bunch and made some friends along the way. I don;t have weight as I don't have scales lol. But I'm pretty certain its at least 20 pounds :P :)

Thank you @Iriee Vibez I took them out and they went crispy again. Here's the haul at the end of the grow. 6x 64oz/1.8 liter jars and 3x 32oz/ 1 liter jars. I got 3x 64oz/1.8 liter and 1 32oz/1 liter jars of White Widow, and 3x 64oz/1.8 and 2x 32oz/1 liter jars of Amnesia. Not a bad haul for my first ever grow :)

Thank you to all who helped me along the way. Its been a fun adventure, and I leaned a bunch and made some friends along the way. I don;t have weight as I don't have scales lol. But I'm pretty certain its at least 20 pounds :p :)

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Nice job!! Here is some first time harvest rep for you, my friend! :slap::slap:
I'm being slapped all over this thread lol. Thanks guys, I am super stoked at the results. Couldn't have done it without all the help I got here. Now onto the next project ... ;)
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