hello omnious. i was disappointed with the bb, but that may very well be my fault. i grew them poorly (underfed, calmag, overfed, ph, too long between waterings, occasional disruptions to light schedule). they stopped flowering a couple times, and foxtailed like crazy. the buds were airy. i'm actually impressed they didn't grow any nanners. the dried buds looked just like yours, with the same shade of green and the same orange pistils, except that even after 90 days mine were not as frosty as yours. i smoked a bowl (6 or 7 hits), and the buzz didn't hit me until after several hits, and it took the whole bowl to catch a decent buzz. it was a behind the eyes buzz with little body effect and little mind alteration. it actually felt like the kind of buzz from a plant taken too early. it did make me feel amorous, and although i'm pretty much a singles hitter at this point in my career, i did hit a double that night. between the phenotype differences and the growing issues i don't know if this will help you at all, but i wanted to give you whatever info i could. any ?s let me know. Futt
Betty Boo day 61, total height 60cm. Notable for having very long hairs on the flowers and a good bud to leaf ratio. k007.JPG
hello omnious. i was disappointed with the bb, but that may very well be my fault. i grew them poorly (underfed, calmag, overfed, ph, too long between waterings, occasional disruptions to light schedule). they stopped flowering a couple times, and foxtailed like crazy. the buds were airy. i'm actually impressed they didn't grow any nanners. the dried buds looked just like yours, with the same shade of green and the same orange pistils, except that even after 90 days mine were not as frosty as yours. i smoked a bowl (6 or 7 hits), and the buzz didn't hit me until after several hits, and it took the whole bowl to catch a decent buzz. it was a behind the eyes buzz with little body effect and little mind alteration. it actually felt like the kind of buzz from a plant taken too early. it did make me feel amorous, and although i'm pretty much a singles hitter at this point in my career, i did hit a double that night. between the phenotype differences and the growing issues i don't know if this will help you at all, but i wanted to give you whatever info i could. any ?s let me know. Futt

That sucks. I under/overfed them too but other than that all worked well. Still, I've been smoking daily, I get the high after one lungful. BB was introduced to a friend who admired, along with taste, the stickyness inside the bud. There are also different effect phenos; hallucination, uplift and longest lasting relaxant. I'm just wondering how these effects would change with 80+ days and all fattened up.

edit: I just combined hallucination with long lasting and lol.
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omnious, i had cut a bb a few weeks earlier because it fed off its fan leaves, and it has been in the jar for a while. waked and baked this morning, and the high was significantly better, although not special. buzz starts in the top of the head behind the ears, and then shoulders/chest. the head high is a bit discombobulating. no couch lock. Futt
PS I did a little research, and the pheno i had looks just like sante marta columbian gold. View attachment 224083 LR2 is LR1 x Sante Marta

PPS, have smoked a bowl over the past 2 hours after work. if you just keep smoking you keep getting higher. takes a bit more than usual, but no ceiling yet. all in the head. spacy. Futt
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Heh, for me the high starts in legs and creeps up, lastly from forehead to teeth.

On another note, girlfriend gave 'OK' and 6 seeds are germinating now ;) I'm keeping them in balcony until sex.
Cheers for the feedback mate im a cannabis growing virgin and my betty boo seeds will hopefully germinating soon .