Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
SeedBank :

Joint DR/Lowryder Seeds


Betty Boo reg (bred by private person)

Did it autoflower?: Y/sex at day 25.


Canna Coco, hydrophonic rocks in hempy buckets 400 ml - 4 liters.


Canna Coco A+B from light to heavy feeding.

Light (kind and schedule):

50 days 6x20w 1150 lm CFLs
Then replaced two of above with 2x24w 1550 lm CFLs, 2700K all.

First 14 days 24h, then 18/6.

From seed to harvest date: 66-68 days

Dry Yield: _g

Size: 35 cm average, 42 cm tallest

High/Effect Duration:

4 hours of 50/50 indica/sativa.


RATE SCALE: * bad to ***** good


They are covered in sugary dust, other than that nothing special going on. Pine cone is the first thing in mind.


Very easy to grow. I started carefully with pH water only but ended up over feeding them for 2 weeks. They didn't burn with A+B. pH 5,5-6,0.
They were in hempys but I ended up injecting the feed from the reservoir hole straight to roots vs. pouring it through coco. I chose coco for safe start with seedlings, no bugs or drowning.
Fast growers but with my lights not as advertised. So they are early cut.
Oh, and they were in a dark closet days 44-46. No other harm than delay in bud production perhaps. I own scale of no kind and it'd cost 30-40e to get one now so grams remain a mystery. But the amount in size is full Pukka 20 bag tea packet, 40g.

THE SMELL: *****

Dominant citrus and pine then some deeper erotic scents that cause hard on ;) But first scent they get is coffee which then turns to citrus etc, although I'd prefer the coffee.
Low odor. I had 8 plants and they never smelled to other people. My grow space wasn't air tight. Some aroma in the apartment at its peak in early flower. When fattening up not so distinct. CF air circulator took care of every smell.


Strong pine and earthly tones after taste but I judge this after cure. Mainly the difference between two scent types.

THE HIGH: *****

45 mins now from the inhale, Vape Lifter "set" to vapor mode. Three lungfuls where the 3rd was pretty harsh. After a minute I could feel the hit where as with early buds and trich leaves it's been 5 mins.
Smoke goes first to limbs and then to head. Very light feeling and no pain. Still you can perform, like writing a smoke report. But if you're not doing anything you'll find yourself staring in emptiness.

60mins No paranoia and the feel is happy. Now the rise is over and the mellowness kicks in. Out of body experience and no pain. Or for me, I can't feel my stiff back, no pains otherwise. No munchies but I'm thinking about beer :D
In small dosages Betty is good for party. In larger amounts good for gaming, music, movies. Very stimulating high, indica and then sativa comes along (after 75mins apparently).

90min and the activity level increases. If you remember what you were supposed to do! After 2 hours starts a slow coming down which lasts 1 hour +. I still can't feel my body.

It's now been over 4 hours and body is still really relaxed and mind is in party mode. No couchlock at all although the first hour may indicate so. But sleep does come easy and invokes dreams. I usually don't dream but now smoking BB nearly a week memorable dreams have appeared.

Easy to grow
Good smoke under 70 days
Low odor grow but good smell up close

Not that high yields. But I'm a cause to that.
Nothing special in taste but cure can change that.


I post part II after the cure.
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Very nice report.Super nice bud picture,I really like the trychome coverage,nice work.:slap:
Thanks! Although it didn't feel like labour. More like a zen moment for 10 mins it took to feed them with the mentioned method in mornings and afternoons.
exc report omnious, ty for sharing the knowledge
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Cured Part II


RATE SCALE: * bad to ***** good


Now the dust has formed to crystal. They shine like, crazy, diamonds.

THE SMELL: *****

Whole buds have faint earthy smell but when you break up the bud red berries release their scent. The jar odor is mouth watering berry.


Not that sharp anymore. The pine is almost gone and main taste is earthy. Not too harsh.

THE HIGH: *****

10 minutes and my body is numb. Five more and it has crept to my head. Distorsion of time and slooow thoughts after 20 minutes.

Two hours and the buzz is over and I'm thinking next inhale. After some self studying I realize I'm still high and postpone the light up.
Again, it is easy to operate, no lock at all and you notice the high when you stop functioning. Body is numb and relaxed.
No munchies, I've only drank a cup of coffee so far, 4 hours awake. I find that bit odd since usually I destroy fridges when high :D
After 3 hours more a body stone, thought is clear and music sounds awesome. Remembering things can be hard.

4,5 hours later the high is off. Very active feeling still. The cure has improved the taste and smell and a bit longer lasting high.
We shall see what happens after months in cure. The oldest, this, plant is separated from the rest so a long cure seems possible.

excellent job omnious, thanks for a great report. my bb's have topped out at 28", day 65 and i'm thinking 20 more, budding pretty well despite a number of mistakes. i'm getting a camera friday and i'll start my own thread then. FUTT
Thanks! Yeah Bettys are troopers. And 28'' is insane! If they are as thick in bud as mine you're in for a lot of smoke. I wish I'd have had the extra 20 days too. But the smoke is potent and there's enough stuff for one man's needs :D

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GM omnious, how r ya. Betty Boos are at day 93, didn't really start bulking and crystalling til last week. looks like 7-10 more days. friend took some pix last night, waiting for him to email them to me, and i'll post them. enjoy the insanely good weather. FUTT