New Grower Best yields

May 13, 2015
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Was looking for some info on the best yielding autoflowers I have looked around for quite some time now and have seen a lot but still cant decide which I would go with, any recommendations would be appreciated :)
hi m8. think different looks like great yeilded plant. thats just off watching grow journels. but have you grown before?
I would recommend think different or auto ultimate, my first think different grow I pulled about 5oz dry from each plant and that was just using water I only gave them nutes 2 or 3 times there entire life, I have just chopped a auto ultimate which gave me 3 oz dry which i was very impressed with as i received the plant when it was 6 weeks old and it had been heavily abused with no light for nearly 3 weeks before I received it, I also chopped it early it definitely needed at least another week but it probably could of went another 3 weeks and I imagine I would of had a much larger yield had I kept growing it
No I am new to it all I have purchased all the materials just asking around about nutes and stuff and the best option to grow where may I purchase such seeds?
Lots of websites sell them but go to dutch passion
The most important thing is to provide a perfect environment for the plant. The yield will always be there if the conditions are right. I've grown huge yields on short stocky indicas. My suggestion would be stick with an indica dominant, they are user friendly, fast growing, and heavy producers.
Here I have 3 plants under 400 hps, I'm expecting 1 pound of dried heads off these looking in there they have 3 weeks till harvest all Dutch passion flavours

the pics don't show much really, when I pull them out at harvest they look much better.diolch