Best strain for pain?

It's interesting to me how most people are recommending THC strains for pain. I can't be stoned all day, I'm not a social or productive stoner, and I can't spend that much time being useless. So I've leaned heavily into CBD for all day and night, adding THC in the evenings for the extra help it brings.

I'm only able to do edibles, so that's all I can speak to from experience. CBD doses, at least in edibles, are not comparable to THC. While 10mg THC gummie might be a normal starting point, CBD usually start at 25mg per dose. I'm taking 30-50mg (+/-) capsules 4 times per day. I'm not sure how sustainable that is over time, I guess I'm going to find out. Bottom line, it reduces my pain to a tolerable level, so far.

At least since the 2018 farm act, quality tested CBD flower is readily available in bulk online, so growing it isn't necessary, which is good, because I can't grow anymore.

I hope you're feeling better --
Everyone is different. For me, CBD and THC work in synergy. CBD alone doesn't do it for me.

I have a vape cartridge that is 60% cannabinoids at a 4:1 CBD:THC. It also contains lavender and chamomile.

The CBD mitigates the high of THC. A couple of hits lowers pain but doesn't intoxicate me and I can get on with my day. But if I need to obliterate pain or have a particularly tough day (pain wise), THC is the right med for me.

Again, your system is unique so experiment and keep notes.
I feel you! I have degenerative disk disease and stenosis in my spine. I am growing a strain right now called Kmintz . Its Kush Mintz crossed with Zkittles. Kush mintz alone works great by itself. The cross should be very effective. Another thing I do is make oil 10mg per tsp. with CBD and all the goodness of the cannabinoids and just a microdose in the AM is a big help getting up and to work. My wife wanted the medical benefits without being high, so she takes 5mg of oil per day and she feels great without the high. I wish I had not bought the mix pack. I have awesome flower with no idea what it is.
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I too have pain , I grow Anvil and found it worked very well and it also helped with sleep , I normally go for more Sativa % so I found the Anvil slowed me right up , I work sun up to sun down outdoors , either at home or work , but not with Anvil , :smokeit:
A few Haze variants help reduce pain while letting me get stuff done but for total obliteration I need heavy Indicas. Sounds like Anvil is worth looking in to.