Hi CowBoy, Pretty fancy but i believe you way over thought this and probably are wasting some energy that could be better used. I went with the 815IR because its a longer wave length, therefore penetrates better needing les energy to acomplish the task and research has shown this is used by plants better then the shorter IR nm's but its all good. Let me share with you what one of the most sucesssful comerical growers of high grade told me when i was getting into cloning in the mid 80's (before the net) and i couldn't get that cloning part down even though everything was perfect. I was pretty depressed after a month because before this i was pulling ground pined mountain green just by talking to it (and useing his method). he said :"Kirby, your going to hear a lot of contridictions out there from people that are growing with sucess. listen to it all and find your nitch. you will know it when it comes." in the end, i could clone a single leaf and i sware i didn't do anything different.
the light i sugested was designed so someone would not have to be overly confused and get still great results through out the grow. the only difference i was recommending to my "front man" for his website was to offer the light in 90 degree for photo and 120 degree for short clones and autos. when you deal directly with the factory, they will put in anything you ask for. if what you have works for you, then you have it down, but i will say that Cindly is one of the best LED factories and dollal for dollar, you can't miss if you stay on track with the spectrum you request. This company has been involved in LED from the beginning and is always moving forward. Good luck and keep us informed as to what you chose and post those pretty pictures
the light i sugested was designed so someone would not have to be overly confused and get still great results through out the grow. the only difference i was recommending to my "front man" for his website was to offer the light in 90 degree for photo and 120 degree for short clones and autos. when you deal directly with the factory, they will put in anything you ask for. if what you have works for you, then you have it down, but i will say that Cindly is one of the best LED factories and dollal for dollar, you can't miss if you stay on track with the spectrum you request. This company has been involved in LED from the beginning and is always moving forward. Good luck and keep us informed as to what you chose and post those pretty pictures