Outdoor Belivitez goes with Mephisto genetics & some candys/ indoor-glasshouse-outdoor

Heat control will definatley be your greatest challenge. Lots of ventilation would help alot more than an a single AC would... Maybe if you installed 3 or for units you could get temp to stay down.
But thats gonna hurt your pockets and in turn your profits.

How big is your glass house?
Im totally sure about problem with heat. My glasshouse is arround 15m2. In summer i had 50-60C inside and this is crazy :) i have option to open windows but... tomorow i go to look for transport AC. You are talking about ventilation? What type of it?
Day 10
Im totally sure about problem with heat. My glasshouse is arround 15m2. In summer i had 50-60C inside and this is crazy :) i have option to open windows but... tomorow i go to look for transport AC. You are talking about ventilation? What type of it?

AC may not be necessary. Depending upon your outdoor temperature. 60c is insanely hot. You can order fans to cut in to the walls of the structure. Remember, in through the bottom, out through the top. You must have an atmospheric exchange. I would suggest four 8" fans and a large oscillating fan for stirring air inside the greenhouse. Two fans in at the bottom of one wall of the structure, and two fans out at the opposite top of the wall of the structure. AC uses much electrical energy. Air exchange is cheaper by the kilowatt hour.
Thanks for answer dude!! ;) outside we have up to 40C... direct on sun much higher. My glasshouse is part of my house my all loft is build with glass so i have realy hot in house all summer. Tommorow i will buy some ac to cool down my house in summer. Maybe i will add some ventilation sistem to push out hot air? I watch ac with 1000w... this is arround 20-30€ per month (this is ok for me).
:biggrin:50C is pretty damn hot - I used to work in greenhouses and the most cost effective method is an uber large extraction unit (fan) at one end of the top of a greenhouse and mist control. Cutting out some of the sun with external screening is also very effective but too much can be counter productive. Forced ventilation is your most cost effective tho obviously you will still be running temps several degrees above the outdoors ambient temp. Mist control systems I wouldn't recommend unless you were just growing plants thru the veg stage because of the risk of budrot. On a hot day a greenhouse can be misting every 15 mins or more often at your temps. So humidity is thru the roof. Other factors which can greatly improve temps are creating reflective surfaces at every opportunity - use white pots not black - paint benches white - even white on flooring tiles. If it reflects the light then it isn't heating up your space.

However at 40C outdoors and 50C+ in greenhouse I think you'd be better digging a cave and using artificial lighting - the cost of trying to air condition a greenhouse will be far higher than trying to light an indoor environment with minimal aircon requirements to bring it into range.

Are you in the South of Spain by any chance... I have all this to deal with this summer advising a friend on their first grow outdoors (the best advice being don't bother in the height of summer) -do a spring grow and an autumn grow.

Have fun (btw at 40C I'm the one you'll find lying on the floor panting under a fan wearing a damp towel :biggrin:
@SpliffScot thanks for all tips :) i thinking in a way to screening windows with reflective tape or how could i say its stop heat + 70% of light... but if i understand ac with 1000w its just 1000w power? And if i have 35C inside i will be totally happy :) i live i central Europe... main problem is roof... when flor is hot all house is crazy hot not just glasshouse :D

In box all goes fine.... day 12 :cooldance:
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I'm so exited on cob lights! My diy lights and @Dion light work extreme good!

On pictures are plant old 13 days