Laughing Hyena Seeds Beaver Genetics Grow&show 2021

Time for an update. Day 50. The plants are just humming along doing their thing. The Lil'MOB Star has been visited by the Frost Queen already!

A little tip burn on that girl as well. Hairy AF though. Im sure she'll make it through but she be kicking and screaming the whole way.

Running full strength with the advanced nutes now so a bit of burn is expected lol Just realized i've been feeding @ every watering too so its a real good chance i've gotten to the point of having a build up and causing a lock out :( Going to give a shot of flora kleen next watering to wash them out.
Sorbet Dream Day 49 Week 2 Flower
Ladies are getting there stretch on!! Cleaned up under there skirts a little. Will take a little more off over the next several days. Usually try to wait till the stretch is done. But wow they are thick!! Still fertigating 3 times a day, 800ppm (1.6 EC) 5.9-6.0 ph. Temperature average over the past week has been 75.2°F and RH average right at 65%. The HLG 350R is giving them 50-60 dli across the canopy.
Day 40 sorbet dreams
The frost is starting to come :woody: :headbang::smoking:looks like it might be some nice long colas (if I'm correct blue dream is that way but not to sure)
Day 43 / 30 Updates on some Lil' Wild Lambs

Sorry, I'm a bit behind schedule on updates, but the girls have not slacked. Just a quick photo dump today. I have ceased all LST since most of the veg stretch is done. Still defoliating a little, but as you can see they could probably stand some more. I am trying to be cautious with this, as it's new territory for me.

The younger 30-day old gal sharing an EB with her big sister seems like she won't get quite as large.:smoking: I imagine the other one's roots were pretty well established by the time she was getting started. These two are drinking about 2 gallons per day. I'll definitely build my own SIPs for the next run so that I don't have to be so cautious keeping them topped off.


Big sis is getting frosty already.



The other 43-day old is doing just fine in her 7 gallon smartpot. She's just about as big as her sister in the EB, so it seems like that transplant shock really didn't do much besides slow her down a day or two. I'm battling some really minor signs of deficiency in her, but staying on top of regular waterings + top dress of some BAF seems to be doing the trick.


And the full tent. Poor little Auto NL just refuses to go amber, but I'll give her the chop soon. Otherwise, these three Lil' Wild Lambs are dangerously close to filling up my 5x5. Didn't think I'd outgrow that 350R quite so soon, but looks like I need another light soon.



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