Indoor Beast vs Dragons

Beast vs Dragon ... Which dragon will be up first, my afn family will decide

  • Cheesus aka Terrestrial Cheese

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Mad Dragon

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • A dragon

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
What i might do is pull another light out from my buddies house and stablize the mad dragon to a pheno i like after i describe all the other phenos to GA. Or stablize a pheno of GA decision. We will see...

I didnt realize they were cross to a photo untill last night when i went threw nekos thread
Would everyone be cool if I do both the alien dragon and also the cheeses aka terestria dragon instead of just picking one?

I hate that you guys have to witness the crazyNess in my head spewed out on a public forum of me constant can't make my mind up and the bipolar lol ahhh oh well, your my family here right...

Alien dragon: Terestrial cheese x alien triangle (mephisto )
Terestrial cheese: Sweet cheese x Magic Dragon

I'll have to trace the magic dragon lineage,