Extraction BayLee420's Cooking with Ganja

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. Any good mix is fine. They are pretty much the same.
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. Read up on oven decarb. Grow Weed Easy may have a good link. Slow and low is the main idea.
[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. 1/2 ounce should be enough
[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]. Oven method; medium grind and a fine grind when mixing into the mix. Just fold the finished decarb into the mix; that simple.
Chef @BayLee420 ... I'm in upstate NY for another week and I have about an oz of 18 month cured Jock Horror in the form of 2-3 colas ... Got some friends here turned on to the idea of eating some Ganja Brownies or cookies ... preferable something that a person could easily measure that's not too rich ... I don't have a NOVA but the oven here is pretty accurate ... I have a couple questions for you ...

1. I'm not much of a baker and a cookie sheet and mixing bowl are about all I have to work with ... is there a particular mix of cookies or brownies you would recommend ?

2. Is there anything I need to know besides decarb / cook / eat ?

3. On a 10 scale I'd give this weed about a 7.5 ... should I use the whole oz to a batch of cookies or brownies ?

4. Do I want to use a rough grind or a fine grind ...

Hoping to blow some minds and possibly help some friends stop inhaling weed ... :bow:

Thanks ...

For brownies, cookies, etc. I try to use what the recipe calls for. I.e. if oil - I use cannaoil. If butter - then I use cannabutter. I don't use decarbed ground up weed in my baked goods anymore. I find that more matter how fine I get it, the goodies still have a bit of a gritty texture. If you decide to use a decarbed powder, try adding some nuts and/or chocolate chips, it helps to mask the grittiness.
Grape Crinkle Gluten Free Browinies

Okay all you glutards. A Gluten Free Brownie with a Ganja punch.








325F for 45 to 50 minutes.

Follow directions on the back of box.
Add 12 grams of decarbed bud of your choice. I added 1/2 cup of salted roasted pecans.

Will top with Chocolate Ganache.
Heat equal parts heavy cream and chocolate morsels

8 ounces of each.

When cream starts to simmer. Turn off and stir in chocolate.

Whisk till smooth. Keep warm in a hot water bath.

Pour Ganache on top. Sprinkle with pecans and cool.
Ganache will set and ready when it gets cold.
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Speaking of decarbing before using .... http://www.ardentcannabis.com/ ... mine arrived yesterday so I put it to work after washing it and running it thru a cycle .... I used a 2.5g bud of Walter White ... it's the same weed that my wife and I have been enjoying thru the vape so I know it's potent ... after 105 min decarb I let it cool for a couple minutes and opened it up ... the bud came out as moist and fresh as it went in and it went in at 62% rh ... I crushed the bud and removed the stems ... bud was not dry so it did not powder as expected when crushed ... I ate 3/10 of the result or about 3/8 tsp mixed into a tsp of coffee creamer ... can't say it did anything to me so about 45 min in I talked my wife into trying the same amount ... w/in a half hour she started to get higher and higher ... she passed thru the giggles stage right on thru to the holding on to her seat and unable to walk stage ... my wife has an impressive tolerance since she vapes w/ me all day long ... by an hour after her first eating 3/8 tsp she was higher than I've ever seen her and climbing ... thank god I got her to lay down before she hurt herself ... From this experience I'd say 1/8 tsp is where I should have started her ...

I took another 1/4 tsp when my wife ate hers ... can't say I ever got off on it ... my wife was wrecked for 6-8 hrs ... I seldom feel anything from edibles which I blame on multiple surgeries I've had on my digestive system so I may not be a good test subject but it worked for my wife exactly the way I hoped it would work for me ... this means that approx. 1/8 tsp (.25g) of quality decarbed bud should be sufficient to give the average stoner a great high for several hours when eaten ... this bud could have been eaten any number of ways ... the important thing to remember is that once it came out of the decarb machine there was no more need for heat ... just eat it and find a seat ...
Hello, I love the thread.

I read some stuff about decarboxylation, thanks for putting it all into practice for us.
Here is some not bad science on the topic..

according to his experiment CBD in particular goes down substantially after 30 minutes. If we are making food for medicine it would be nice to learn how to maximize CBD as well. It is beyond my ability, maybe someone else knows.
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