
Get muni fuck bitches
Jul 16, 2019
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Currently Smoking
I am new grower and new to al this ... I growing blue cheese from Barneys farm the plant is very small it's 55cm and very healthy plant nice buds on it ..... It's at 8 weeks but has loads of Thc and amber on it but what I want to knw is it done cause I only hav fair idea cause it's my first time but if you cud give me sum advice on how long more to leave it or cud I chop her now much appectied


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hi and :welcome: breeders are often optomistic on harvest times 10 weeks or 70 days be closer to the mark :pass:lots of sparkles :thumbsup: the amber is technically not amber thats orange hairs.the sparkly bits have an almost invisable ball ontop of each sparkly thing we can hardly goes clear/cloudy then amber

ya need 40x for that:smoking:99p but could take 5 weeks to reach you.
good luck n keep er lit
hi and :welcome: breeders are often optomistic on harvest times 10 weeks or 70 days be closer to the mark :pass:lots of sparkles :thumbsup: the amber is technically not amber thats orange hairs.the sparkly bits have an almost invisable ball ontop of each sparkly thing we can hardly goes clear/cloudy then amber
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ya need 40x for that:smoking:99p but could take 5 weeks to reach you.
good luck n keep er lit
yea I heard dat and did a lot of research on it aswel but I am waitin on one so it be a few weeks before I get it ..... I just worry if I leave it to long can it affect my bud
yea I heard dat and did a lot of research on it aswel but I am waitin on one so it be a few weeks before I get it ..... I just worry if I leave it to long can it affect my bud do you Tink I should wait ten weeks to start to flush or wud I fuck up the final results on her
the harvest window (no perfect time to cut weed,its personal preference) the window could be 2 weeks long.from a favours early chop,as i like to get high in my a more medical person that wants pain relief/a body stone.
looking at your plant in general,it be a guess but id say give it at least another week.
some say only flush it if ya shit on it,flushing is more tradition than sciemce :smoking:
the harvest window (no perfect time to cut weed,its personal preference) the window could be 2 weeks long.from a favours early chop,as i like to get high in my a more medical person that wants pain relief/a body stone.
looking at your plant in general,it be a guess but id say give it at least another week.
some say only flush it if ya shit on it,flushing is more tradition than sciemce :smoking:
I like to get high in my head too bud that's y I am asking when to chop my lady there is loads of Amber on it and when I check it today it had loads of white hairs again and the bud is stil swelling but da plant stil Luks healthy small bit of da leaves lighting up .... I am feeding it all biobizz nutes and sticking to da bio
Bizz feeding chart I am growing in biobizz al mix soil aswel .... How long do you tink I shud flush for I using 11 litre pot
Hey nice growing! i'm also growing a Barneys Blue Cheese Auto, have you got any photo's of the whole plant? I'm only in Week 5 (day 40 from germination).

I'm looking forward to seeing your results!

Got any more photo's from during the grow until now?

Some of my blurple coloured girl >>>>>>>>>>>>>
keep feeding for another week,and have a think about harvesting then,more white hairs/still swelling...keep it going :coffee:
i dont flush,i swap the last 2 feeds for 1L of plain water,and it gets cut down on a friday.
if white ash is a sign of flushed weed...then how come fag ash is white ? is it free of chemicals/been flushed.
Hey nice growing! i'm also growing a Barneys Blue Cheese Auto, have you got any photo's of the whole plant? I'm only in Week 5 (day 40 from germination).

I'm looking forward to seeing your results!

Got any more photo's from during the grow until now?

Some of my blurple coloured girl >>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Hi bud my plant is at da end of week 8 and is very small did you hav a problems wit your


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Okay she's a wee midget but those are nice looking flowers, i'd leave them to fatten up though as archie has said (take his advice!)

i'm working through a little nutrient burn, i underestimated how much was in the biobizz allmix and also overegged the biogrow, was using 4ml/litre which i have found is a horrendous amount. more fool me, read the instructions next time!

Tel us a little more about your grow set-up, lights, light schedule, nutrients etc. People here are great for giving out advice, all very experienced and helpful