Photoperiod Bangi Haze by the GrowFellow

Today we are 22 days in flower.
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I was just looking back at the pics, pretty impressive how fast these BH set into flower ....I'm now rethinking my BH plans...

Watching closely
Your may grow faster as she many problems including spits right down the middle. Broke, bent soil ph off. Timer f up a few days in flower. She liking the spring water.

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I'm calling failure.

I don't want to waste electricity on something that's not at its full potential.
I'm not too disappointed it's only a test.
I will leave 200 watts on for them and fix as much as I can.
The plants just could not handle all the stress I will salvage what I can and close this grow with a failure. I'm not mad and upset behind the outcome, at first I was but I'm growing for a lifetime so as long as I have some smoke I'm good.

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