Indoor Bambi and the two Dark Devils

Yea to be honest I'm super excited for those devils. I'm currently smoking on some bloody skunk and it was such an abused plant with nitrogen pouring out if it's veins and buds tiny and half assed. The smoke is amazing though and it's the best smelling weed I've ever had. Normally all my stuff smells like hay and I've been trying to dial it in but that bloody skunk smells like the fruitiest bowl of fruit loops or blueberrys i don't even know but it is amazing omg.

If I can do right by these devils I bet they will turn out even better!
Update ~~

I'm glad I decided to try and fim two plants instead of one. The dark devil didn't get cut enough so instead of a fim I just have deformed leaves. To make it even worse I accidentally ripped another leaf in half with the yellow trap card for gnats lol opps. On the bright side, the bam actually fim'd correctly and they all are looking pretty good minus some early mag def (I think). I still haven't dialed in cal/mag in my setup with leds/ro water.

Pics soon! ;D
Hello afn fam! I have a few pics to post. Like always, the first 2 are dark devils and the 3rd girl in the back is the bambi. I tried to take a decent pic of the fim too. They are all doing decently enough. You can just barely see some slight thrip damage on the middle plant on one of the leaves. My spray should get here tomorrow so hopefully I won't have to stress about them anymore.

Day 22. - Gave them a heavy foliar feed of epsom salt the other day. Trying to contain the mag problems.

Actually got a pic of one of these fuckers today! My bug spray with sinosad came today and I went HAM on those plants. I used half the damn bottle already so I'm sure I over did it but I don't care. I hate bugs, all bugs. Except maybe lady bugs, they are the only bugs I'll ever accept.

So tiny! I used a 30x loupe and 4x zoom on my tablet lol.


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Finally got the girls started on that drip drop. Hopefully it goes well for me this time. Everything seems to be going well so far so I'm hoping it stays that way. Haven't really seen any bugs after I sprayed so I'm thankful for that. My fim'd bam is doing amazing and she is definitely my favorite at the moment.

Pic is from 2 days ago. Day 29.

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Both dark devils.

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Fim'd bam
Wouldn't be an Anasazi grow if I didn't fuck something up. -_-

So I ran into a nasty potassium problem with my new AN nutes. Basically I was underfeeding this whole time and it caused the plants to stretch and it delayed flowering. Basically the same mistake I made last grow except I didn't realize what my mistake was last grow lol. At least I know where I went wrong this time and I actually caught the problem a little earlier than the last grow but it's still kind of too late to have a good harvest from this grow. I'm only at around day 45 though So I'm going to try and correct the problem and stick it out.

I've stopped using my AN nutes for now. I will try them again for the next grow and hopefully I can do it right next time. Went back to the grow more 4-26-26 to finish this round off. I will try to get pics up soon for those who care to see the battlefield. On the bright side, I really don't see what other mistakes I can make at this point. My grows from here on out should be fucking perfect lol! I've literally made every mistake possible I feel like.