*slobber*...... That's a juicy girl you have there Bailey, fine work indeed!

...oh man, you got me gleeting over the aroma-

..I picked up a wee bag of Zkittlez photo' from a friend a while back, and I swear they soaked it in artificial candy flavors! something close to Pez candy, if that rings a bell,... It sure has swept the market in a hurry, right? This last season especially, seems just about every "major" breeder has some variation on it, just like frikkin' Glue and Cookies did previously =

.... even poor OG, which everybody and their granny now has a cut named after them-

- is getting run-over!
... I'm keen on seeing if you're right about the pheno' consistency

..... meantime, I'ma get my licks in while I can!

........(new software will not have rep' anymore)....