New Grower Badges and ranks????

One more question. I'm not really to keen with forums so how does one start a poll thread. Would like to let the fam choose my next photo to auto as well as my next project cross.
One more question. I'm not really to keen with forums so how does one start a poll thread. Would like to let the fam choose my next photo to auto as well as my next project cross.

when you click on post new thread in your chosen section... Scroll down to the additional options and theres a tick box for polls :peace:
Thanks much . Like i said this is my first ever forum to belong to. Almost a year and still just getting the hang of it.
Ok who do i ask to get the badges and i just finished my black cream and my think different. Thanks again.
Well then your in the running for there badges if you complete the grows here, and of course ask for the badge that you qualify for there not automatically givin out.

Was curious who to ask?.. Lol.. I finished up my sweet seeds grow myself.. in their forum.. abd asked if it qualifies for a cool badge.. I haven't recorded any answers on that one.. am I still missing something.. maybe something I haven't done yet to receive... thanks for the help.. sorry to hijack.. was curious in the subject as well :-)
I'll report you the the section mod and see if you qualify....please stand by..."SuperMod Action"
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