I should have picked up on this right away, this is the second time my shitty water has wrecked my plants. I was thinking that it was my fault ( again... ), too much nutes, etc. No its my damned well water! The mini RO unit states the pre-filters are good for about 300 gallons. Well, I'm probably well over that as I was using this previously to treat water for 2 DWC reservoirs. I'm likely WAY over 300 gallons, but I didn't think about it until I was puzzled over the necrosis on my plants. Ordered new filters today, I'll go buy some distilled until they get here. I'm going to invest in a whole-house filter system and pre-filter my water before it even gets to my RO unit, that should extend the life of its components considerably.
Here's what the water is doing to my plants:
Here's what the water is doing to my plants: