Live Stoner Chat Back in black

Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Hello guys,
I havnt been to this site much over the past few years.

So, some history.
There used to a nice autoflower family on a forum that rhymes with icbanned (my nickname for that site, because you only see banned ppl everywhere), that suddenly got wrecked after they decided to give ol' moss the icbanned treatment.

We shortly all moved here and the family kept growing !

I was one of the first members that moved here and some of the oldies may recognize me.

I've since moved on to growing photoperiods because of my needs for cloning (for various reasons) but AFs will always have a place in my heart and so will the community because I learned everything around these guys, and what I learned literally changed my life ;)

Forever grateful brothers.
Ill try to keep swinging around to give back to the community with advice etc.
I've also written up a coco guide that I linked in my sig if anyone needs help in that department.

That's enough about me.
Hope there's enough of my old friends still hanging around here ?
Lots of u changed nicks, so give me a heads up here :)

Cya around folks,
Keep it green n dank !

Nice, very nice. Glad to have you back C.E2!

As I am sure you know there is a photo section here. I normally spend most of my time in there as I don't run many Autos but AFN is such an awesome community that I just couldn't resist sticking around.
I posted a thread in that section just a bit ago :)
Ill try to update it every now and then.
:tiphat: well hot damn theres the wonderful mugshot again nice to see you back.

styles rasta styles rasta

Nice to have u around, pro's are always needed
Now i know whitch "Lollypop" Lil'Wayne was takin about
in his song...stylez rasta smoke :dance:
Welcome back to AFNlogo C.E2! :smokebuds:
Wow i didnt know C.E2 :smokebuds:i was just looking for info on coco and doing my High Team thing when i found your name in the members list with low post , i had no idea i had awaking a GIANT ..but i'm glad i did :beast: and thanks agian!
Welcome to the AFN family C.E2 :hug: we`re happy to have you over here :smokebuds:
Welcome home C. E2, i'm sure you'll bump into all your old friends again and it goes without saying you're sure to make a load of new ones!:peace: