Outdoor B1 breeding in the bushes UK

Full blown female Bob she was sprayed with STS to make female seeds for outdoor. Been breeding my lines with males and females to grow outdoor for 2 decades now. I am gaining quite a fan base for my hardy outdoor strains over the last few year. In certain circles :smokeout: been on various forums and know by a few breeder on here for a long time. Here is the female none STS version. :thanks:
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This one is seeded with Short hazey day's x Guerilla Exodus regular pollen.
That's nice to hear. I wish you the very best with your endeavors and looking at that bud you are on the right track :thumbsup: :vibes:
So collected some pollen earlier here is how I do it.

Things you need:
#1: Tin foil or a sheet of glass/mirror to collect the pollen on.

#2: a male or reversed plant to collect the pollen from.

#3: A electric toothbrush optional i am sure that you could use a dildo but I didn't have one in hand.

#4: a nice tub to store your pollen in. Or you could put it straight to a Qtip to store.

First you need to find the plant you want to collect the pollen from. In my case SHD x blackberry gum female P1 reversed pollen. Shake the flowers over the foil/mirror until the yellow pollen coats it. If its not dropping try the toothbrush/dildo on the stem of the plant and see if that helps.

If that's not working and you have a stubborn to drop pollen plant don't give up just yet. Manually remove the male flowers with tweezers and place them on the tin foil.

Next let the pollen dry in for a few days. Crush the flowers with a tooth pick and shake the foil with the toothbrush/dildo.

Fold the foil and the golden pollen will gather in the middle. Now you can collect it on a Qtip and store it in the fridge for 12 mother then into the freezer until needed. Remember defrosted pollen can't be refrozer again so never pull it out. If your not using it.

Enjoy hope it helped someone.

Some Short hazey day's x blackberry gum I am currently making seeds with hopefully I can get them finished in time to put a few out this year to make F2's
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The reversed plant on the right as been used to pollinate this Short hazey day's x auto ultimate to make R1's.
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Cool to see someone else also used blackberrygum to make New seeds
I have crossed it with blueberry and took it to f2 but now i have a awesome male but it does not shed his pollen
This 1 is loving the sunshine. A few weeks and these seeds will be done. However I took a bottom arm i pollenated on the revered plant and got a few seeds to try. 8 out of 8 germinated straight from the plant with no drying or cureing time. So I will be adding these to my grow this year.