Outdoor Az heat RETURNS!

@Clamid dude thats awesome! You are gonna love growing my man hahah, what beans did you happen to throw down? Best of wishes to your grow as well!!
Guys at this point she is really chugging along. Ill be starting full-strength nutes this week as well as updating more frequently. Also yall will notice this when I post the picture, but im waiting on training Nuggets till she breaches the top of the fabric pot, I feel like letting her grow into that infamous shrub she is known for being, and only then will I tie her down.
Here ya go fellers!!!


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According to my own personal journal we are lookin at Day 23 right now as of today!
So rather than wait, I let my LST fetish take ahold of me today; went outside and pinned her hard! I'll update you guys with a pic later today as a follow-up of how she responds to training. She also got her FIRST EVAAAR full strength feeding today; again im running the Advanced Nutrient PHperfect line, full grow-micro-bloom at 5ml per L with a gallon-watering jug. Also adding a tablespoon of molasses and 5ml of Cal-Mag to the gallon to spice things up; now we just sit back and watch guys, as she hopefully sweellls right up!!
Right after LST:
Also forgot to mention on previous post but she has shown sex today gents! You can see in one of the photos below
Yeeerp, so I goofed.
Paid a visit to ANs website and filled out the custom feed chart only to find out what I had suspicions of earlier to be true. Unfortunately for weeks 3 and 4 she was underfed, even by the standards of mine for half-strength as to prevent burning. I estimate by about 3/4 was how badly she was underfed.
Yesterday I re-did my nutes, so now I am running:
2.5 fl oz (5 tbsp) grow-micro-bloom A&N
1 tbsp molasses
1 tsp calmag

Training her is a genuinely enjoyable challenge, not easy by any means but fun nonetheless. She is definitely livin up to her bush potential for sure! Hopefully with her planned 9 weeks yields wont take too big of a hit, I already know I wont get as much as I had hoped for. Lets hope she gets some explosive growth here soon!
Fellow growers, need some advice/consolation. My girl has almost noticeably slowed down in growing since about half a week ago, and I am worried it is a few things: (she is on day 31)

Root system- I have watered her everyday practically with nutrient-rich water, probably missed only 2 or 3 days in this total grow so far; my thought's are that the root system is lazy so to speak, and not branching out, therefore limiting her uptake as well as size.

PH- Yes, yes I know. PH yer water before you give it to her and after adding nutes, I know. Thing is I am using a nutrient line that is supposed to eliminate this worry, but I need to cross it off the list of potential stunters, so later today I'll head out to the store and pick up some ph strips, or would you guys recommend something else for PH'ing water?

Nutes themselves- While using this line of nutes, the AN phperfect, I have had my sneaking suspicions the entire time that even though this shit can be used in soil, doesn't mean it will perform as intended. If I can google properly, my source tells me it was developed mainly for hydroponic growing mediums, that is another question I have thrown at myself. Perhaps trying a different line of nutrients entirely next run, or better yet not using nutes at all and relying purely on beneficial bacteria and compost of mine.

***Side note, I also noticed after comparing my grow to a few other grows, I have noticed her leaves are actually noticeably different then the rest of the SN grows I've seen around here; they aren't near as thick and wide or a crazy dark green color, moreso a lighter green and stretched out a bit thinner. I know this could be a potential phenotype, but it's irking the living shit out of me because I can't tell if its that way due to being an outdoor grow, or some other factor I don't have dialed in properly.

Also, another noteworthy mention; I peeked around at other SN grows like I mentioned before, and a majority seemed to start the flowering cycle around the 30-40 day mark; well, with the shrimp-dick plant I'm rockin right now I dont know if her jumping into flowering is a good idea but its out of my control lmao. My question is, do you guys think she will make up for lack of growth in the bloom stage and explode in flowering? Also, what is the likelyhood of her swelling properly with what I have done to her already, with the 2 weeks underfed and what-not?
As always AFN, much love and appreciation to you guys, yall a good group o' interwebbers.