Old Reviews Awesome promise of Cheap Archaea in new Jobe organics formula

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Is it true someone apparently the people at jobe have cheaply been able to mass produce viable Archaea
it also contains Endo and Ectomycorrhizae and colony bacteria:0:hump:
Are you serious jobe you just cheaply made a 2-7-4 from feather,bone meal, composted poultry manure
W added calcium,magnesium,and sulfur
can't wait to see the results this year
what a "tomatoe" fertilizer
Thanks Jobe-
we will see how it runs but it looks good on paper right now
I picked some of that up and mixed it up with some potting soil already. I'll be putting some jems in it later in the year for outside so we'll see how it goes. Should have measured, once again eye-balled it.
You're not kidding when you say cheap, the stuffs about five or six bones a bag. It's got a real strong organic fert smell coming off of it, stronger than other pre made mixes I've dabbled in before.

I take it you go to the store just to read labels as well? :D
yeah saw it in a catalogue and was going to order some but when i was at menards theyhad it there
heck they now carry pro-mix bales:P

gonna do some side by side jems w/ some using left over technaflora i have and jobe mix in the others
honestly dollar for dollar the jobe is a well made product so far using it outside against some homemade chicken mix but this can't be bought like jobe at every store
the results thus far are thumbs up on the jobe
Speaking of Menards and Promix, I bought one of those orange 44 lb bales of Promix for $14 and also a bag of Promix Ultimate Organic Mix for around $7. The stuff in the orange bales was nearly identical to BX but without the the Mycorrhizae. The UOM is basic ProMix with Sea-based compost (shrimp shells & seaweed) and Mycorrhizae added. It does not contain the wetting agent present in BX and the orange bale, and only holds about half the water.
In bag seed sprouting tests, seeds did well in the orange bale, UOM, and a mix of the two. I doubt that I'd use the UOM straight, only due to the watering issue, but a mix of the two seems like a cheaper alternative to ProMix BX from the hydro store.
Sativalover, thanks for the tip about the Jobe fertilizer, I'll check it out on one of my Menards runs. I just hate overpaying for the latest and greatest snake oil from the hydro industry. KISS.
I found the promix and uom at menards about six weeks ago.In regards to the uom I have two cream caramel growing in it for about 50 days and they are growing super.Ihave my other girls in ffof.It might not say it has a wetting agent but I found out it holds water longer than the ffof.I did add A little perlite to it just like the ffof.I think you will be very pleased with this as much as I was.I will be using this from now on for all my grows being a lot cheaper than ffof.Good luck on your grow.:booya:
Thanks for the feedback on the Ultimate Organic Mix, I too wasn't enamored with FFOF either, even less so with Happy Frog, the worst I've tried. My test sprouts won't be around much longer, I use seeds from strains that I have no interest in growing again for soil and fertilizer tests. It's amazing how resilient they can be. Right now I use a locally available potting soil, distributed only in MI, called Dairy Doo seed starter mix. It's actually too hot for sprouting MJ, but it works good in the bottom half of a 32 oz cup, the top half being BX. I also transplant into this mix, which is organic and well amended, just needs a little more perlite. It's a bit pricey at $12 per bag, I might try some mixes with it and the Ultimate Organic Mix on my next grow.

I have 6 bags of UOM in the trunk of my car right now, to be mixed with some cheap top soil and put in dug holes for a guerrilla grow.
Speaking of Menards and Promix, I bought one of those orange 44 lb bales of Promix for $14 and also a bag of Promix Ultimate Organic Mix for around $7. The stuff in the orange bales was nearly identical to BX but without the the Mycorrhizae. The UOM is basic ProMix with Sea-based compost (shrimp shells & seaweed) and Mycorrhizae added. It does not contain the wetting agent present in BX and the orange bale, and only holds about half the water.
In bag seed sprouting tests, seeds did well in the orange bale, UOM, and a mix of the two. I doubt that I'd use the UOM straight, only due to the watering issue, but a mix of the two seems like a cheaper alternative to ProMix BX from the hydro store.
Sativalover, thanks for the tip about the Jobe fertilizer, I'll check it out on one of my Menards runs. I just hate overpaying for the latest and greatest snake oil from the hydro industry. KISS.

haha using the mix myself
the jobe should be a cheap way to boost micro climates

even for the expense of some of the best soils i haven't seen any cost effectively offering such aggressive lifeforms to rapidly start breaking complex chain organic compounds
this is truely a barrier broken in mass produced organic products
i am a citified farmboy always had to fix things on large scale and saving every pennie is critical and there rides a fine line between a novel idea and a NOW idea
i have mixed feelings about the nutrient buisness they are a buisness but in the end alot of things are far overpriced things like epsom salts and sugar mixed and sold for $30 a bottle
alot of people rely on their products for clean non contaminated medicine and food for that matter
with jobe we will see the results but if they live up to half their potential they can push plants FASTER which we all know how important is especially w/ autos
the plants out side are loving it but keep getting hit w/ right at frost levels so i haven't started any auto's yet waiting another week to pop them
Most of the organic nute mixes I have seen have micros in them for cheap, whitney farms is one I've been using for years now. I ended up buying the jobes when my local store dropped whitney farms nutes.
Most of the organic nute mixes I have seen have micros in them for cheap, whitney farms is one I've been using for years now. I ended up buying the jobes when my local store dropped whitney farms nutes.

i am confused pig my friend are you just speaking of microbes in general??
i am mostly talking about Archaea microbes or actually the lack of them in commercial mixes are some other reasonably priced mixes out there w/ these ingredients that have missed my attention?
Whoops, just went back over the bio books. For some reason I thought archaea was the domain the encompassed bacteria as well, not just protists. Damn the confusing prokaryotes! I've never heard of protists being used in ferts before, what's the benefits from them as apposed to those supplied by endo/ecto and bacteria?

It could just be a regional thing with the fert mixes. I live in an organic gardening mecca and there's a lot available to us here. I always had good luck with the Whitney farms mix, it's what I pulled off my first indoor and guerrilla grows with. However this jobes stuff along with some 10-10-2 seabird pellets as slow release should be great for the guerrilla grows this summer, I guess we'll find out. I went out and picked up some organic rabbit-deer-small animal repellent and some sluggo. Gearing up for the summer and just waiting for more of the ladies to sex out.