the green bandit
Outdoor gardening enthusiast
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club

that cruise missile ride is what I so love in the right Sativa's!... not for everybody to be sure-, I know more than a few that don't fare well with that type of high.
... I'll be in school on that mate!..... yeeeeesh! -that cruise missile ride is what I so love in the right Sativa's!... not for everybody to be sure-
, I know more than a few that don't fare well with that type of high. Another potential strain-to-try for that is TGA's Vortex, that shit is well named =
...fucking Sitar music plays in your head while you on it!
Looks like fun here guess I'll keep an eye on your progress buddy![]()
I know this sounds like a bad idea and might be sacrilege but what about lowering the humidity and running a fan directly across the surface of the pot and finding something to warm the tent a bit for a little bit so it dries out?So right off the bat i made a mistake...ive been opting to use the laze assed way of seedlings and presoaking the pots the day i put the seeds in paper towel. This technique worked great in my old setup that was super dry and high circulation. But my new setup is cool(70F), and the dang pots dont want to dry out!! Here we are at almost 14 days and still damp...dammit, so now a few are showing overwatering signs. Also i have fungus gnats...not sure if they came from the space or the promix, but i have them! All i can do right now is i layered the top of the soil and the drainholes with diamascus earth. Hoping thats enough to take care of the little buggers....first time i have had to deal with those little black buggers!
I know this sounds like a bad idea and might be sacrilege but what about lowering the humidity and running a fan directly across the surface of the pot and finding something to warm the tent a bit for a little bit so it dries out?
Also for fungas gnats you can do a good deal of damage to them by using some Mason jars filling them with about 2 to 3 inches of vinegar (preferably malted vinegar or apple cider vinegar) about 1/8 cup of brown sugar and a squirt or two of dawn dish soap all mixed together and placed in various places on the ground around the pots. Just make sure you dont spill it. It's a mess to clean up. It takes a day or two. I do 1 jar per 2 plants I have 8 plants so I have 4 jars.
Sometimes I forget the simple solutions too. I was spending over a year messing with bottled nutes then I down graded to a simple 2 step and now I'm growing big plants. Kiss is the motto and gnats love vinegar trapsNot a bad humidity is already low, resting at 40% RH, and raising to 60 when i spray the walls. Increased circulation will help to keep their populations down for sure. I am going to do the vinegar trap !! Ive used it on fruit flies before and it works great, totally forgot about it! Thanks!
Sometimes I forget the simple solutions too. I was spending over a year messing with bottled nutes then I down graded to a simple 2 step and now I'm growing big plants. Kiss is the motto and gnats love vinegar traps
Positive vibes going your way for your grow