New Grower Autos on 12/12?

Feb 27, 2013
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Hey Folks,

I am sure this has been covered but I couldn't find it.

My current auto run is sucking. My first 8 seeds didn't germ/failed. I then put down 3 more which are growing but are looking crazy. Then I put another 5 seeds in water a few days ago and they didn't sprout. I've never had a hard time with seeds before this.

I have to leave on business in 12 weeks, so don't have time to start any other auto seeds. So I am thinking of getting a few photo clones and flipping them right into 12/12 so they have time finish.

So what I want to know, has anyone tried the autos on 12/12? What results did you get? I am pretty sure that the yeild will be less but the photos will more than make up for it. On my last run which was photos, I got over 2 oz from an Sour Erkle that went straight into 12/12 from the clone.

Damn calendars!
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Hey blessed dude, ive never done this personally but ive seen a few guys who had to put their autos in with photos on 12/12. The yeild was definately less than normal but it'll get you some bud before you have to leave
Blessed, it all depends on the genetics you running, I've seen autos do well on 12/12 others not so good. My theory on the subject is the more auto genes the more it's going to struggle under 12/12 there are some strains that are 10-20% rude genes those would be the ones I go with if had to run autos on 12/12
Thanks Magic. It will be the Cream Mandarin XL's, so that should be good to go then. Local shop has teens for only $15 bucks today so I am going there tonight to get a few Photo teens - Erkle Cookies and something else.. don't remember now. :-)

Blessed, it all depends on the genetics you running, I've seen autos do well on 12/12 others not so good. My theory on the subject is the more auto genes the more it's going to struggle under 12/12 there are some strains that are 10-20% rude genes those would be the ones I go with if had to run autos on 12/12
Hey blessed, im kinda in a similar situation.
I started a photo on 20/4, had to hurry things up so after 30 days i switched to 12/12.
well its now 3 weeks and still no change over to flower yet.
I think its still going to be a 4 month grow or more, switching didnt seem to affect her much except she's growing wide not tall.
hoping that changes some when she finially switches.
And i've been running flower nutes too.
good luck
Blessed, it all depends on the genetics you running, I've seen autos do well on 12/12 others not so good. My theory on the subject is the more auto genes the more it's going to struggle under 12/12 there are some strains that are 10-20% rude genes those would be the ones I go with if had to run autos on 12/12
I agree with magic on this one you might even slow down/stunt the growth with the light switch
I have heard of people doing this ,all I remember is there autos were shorter then usual.