Hello all, first post here, howdy!
I'm curious what you guys' thoughts are on light leaks for autos. For those of you who do 20/4, 18/6 etc, how important do you guys think it is to have absolute, total darkness during those dark hours? I understand the importance with photos but with autos it seems unnecessary due to the fact that you could give them 24/7 light anyway.
I want to get to the bottom of this before I start growing my autos, let me know what you guys think! :thumbs:
I'm curious what you guys' thoughts are on light leaks for autos. For those of you who do 20/4, 18/6 etc, how important do you guys think it is to have absolute, total darkness during those dark hours? I understand the importance with photos but with autos it seems unnecessary due to the fact that you could give them 24/7 light anyway.
I want to get to the bottom of this before I start growing my autos, let me know what you guys think! :thumbs: