Grow Mediums Autopot tray vs reservoir ph

If your tray is different ec/ph than res run there is build up in lines or it is leaching ph/ec to/from the medium in the pot that is sitting in the tray

Also could be nutes sitting at bottom of res getting taken to res first, maybe if not mixed well. I have not experienced this ever and doubt it.

run water through lines into cup and wait till exactly what is in your res is coming through the line Then connect to base and do the same thing.
My concern is why do I have 6.7ph in my Autopot tray when my res is at 5.8.........

Thanks for your response.

I’m a month late to the party, but have an idea for you…

A plausible reason may be that your reservoir is relatively aseptic and lacking in organic and microbial content. In contrast, the AutoPot tray's water is in contact with the medium/soil being used, which is far from sterile, with microbial fermentation and metabolism of feed nutrients and natural plant exudates resulting in pH swings?

I think this is getting into the ballpark a bit.

I’ve found that the water in the tray can be subject to microbial life.

Up goes the pH in the tray. Yep, even with the lids on bacteria can still grow in the trays.

I haven’t noticed much difference with supersoil, but I did with coco. Solution? Clean trays every 3-4 week, or more frequently if needed.

I also have wrapped some fabric strips (cut up old t-shirts) around the pot edge where it meets the tray. Also seems to help a little, but not fully fix.

Get rid of everything but the Megacrop. For one, none of it is needed, secondly The Epsom salts is probably part of the issue, TOO much Magnesium. MC has all the Mg and Calcium you need. You've got lockout problem which in turn creates PH issues. Flush your pots with plain water, RO would be much better but your tap will probably do. Run about 5 gallons through each pot. shut off your res and empty the trays and place the pots back in them. Don't feed or water for a day.

Next, set your res to 500 ppms of just MC, PH 6.2. Your plants shoulsdrecover in a few days

Look up the ingredient list for Megacrop one part. everything you've added is already in it!

I agree with most of this. I do find it to be lacking in the Mg dept though. A tick of epsom fixes that Mg def in flower that likes to show up around mid flower.

2 part MC is really made for farming with injectors. Original single part (with a little Bud Explosion from flip to mid flower) is the way to go. Too damn easy for mixing nutes.

I’m off the coco and running supersoil now, and ain’t looking back one bit. Slow growth? Oh hell no. LOL
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