Thanks Mañ'O'Green, St. Tom & Olderfart - appreciated.
Yes, I have EC/pH/PPM tools to manage the nutrient mixing process and ongoing stability of the reservoir (Bluelab truncheon). Duly noted that Autpot systems require far weaker strength nutrient mix (<1.2EC/600PPM) than those used in say a coco RTW water system (would you further suggest up to ~400ppm for veg & up to 600ppm for flower). I use creek water for my nutrient mix (~40ppm/7.0pH) and mix the nutrients when water temps reach ~20 degree Celcius. I do use the feed schedule range of nutrient/additive/supplements, and further use the GP Plant Guard (potassium silicate supplement) and ProCal (calcium, magnesium, iron) products also. I understand the importance of the nutrient element mix ratio (NER) and abide by the product vendor suggested product mix rates (as per your advice too) - as well as the correct product mixing order (Plant Guard 1st to let assimilate) then ProCal and then the other feed chart products (Grow, Bloom, Micro, Thrive, Rezin, Spike). I also use H&G Drip Guard ongoing as a tubing cleaning agent.
Q1: Say I mix a 10L nutrient batch using vendor suggested NER mix ratio - and then find it's over the EC/PPM threshold recommended (say 1.8EC) - I would typically 'water-down' the nutrient mix until it fell to the acceptable EC/PPM (let's say add another 5L water to achieve this reduction in EC) - then ensure the now 15L nutrient mix is still pH 5.8-6.0 - and then use in the reservoir. But having diluted the mix EC value with the additional water (now a 15L mix @ EC1.2) this would have also diluted the additives/supplements (Guard, ProCal, Thrive, Rezin, Spike) in the mix. Should I be adding additional quantities of the additives/supplements to compensate for the additional 5L water so that these components too are still at manufacturer recommended mix dosing levels (or conversly, just lower the additives/supplement product dose rates to the 60% mark also in this instance)?
Q2: Understanding that the vendor base nutrients NER mix rates are typically too high as per their feeding chart - does this typically also apply to the vendor additives and supplements mixing values? Meaning, if I find that for week 2 of flower I require only ~60% strength of the chart base nutrients (60% each Grow, Bloom, Micro) I would also only use 60% values for Plant Guard, ProCal, Thrive, Rezin & Spike or stay at full vendor suggested mixing values for these additive/supplements?
Q3: 'Great White' mycorrhizal fungi & beneficial bacteria - would you suggest I mix 'Great White' mycorrhizal product into the nutrient mix or have other approach to applying mycorrhizal fungi / bacteria to the growing plants coco/perlite substrate.
Many thanks for your informed advice - greatly appreciated
PS: Picture of my present grow (Girl Scout Cookies photoFEM's) that I feel have been stressed/stunted from excessive EC levels (up to 1.8EC) during the Autopot grow cycle veg & flower. Now ~12 weeks old from seed and ~2 weeks in flower. I'm close to dumping these girls in favour of starting again with Auto's this time (Mandalorian & Beaver genetics next grow) - hence want to get the feeding regime correct bigtime!