Dutch Passion AutoGlueberry OG - Waterfarm COB madness

Welcome welcome!! :pass:
Thank you for all your kind words. Her flower stretch has finally begun. The sativa is showing :woohoo1:

@Tony21 How long did your grow take from seed to finish?

@AutoWonders Planning to build some more (200W extra) COB lights next month, COB drone army is expanding.. Wondering if I should go 3k/3.5k/4k...
The COBs are pretty close. Between 15-25cm's (6"-10") from the canopy. HPS is a bit further, 70-80cm.

@bushmasterar15 Hmm, that's weird. I used imgur to upload.. It seems to be working fine for everyone
I let them go 90 days but it was a micro grow in 2 liter pots ,could have taken them 10-12 days earlier I think.
CameraZOOM-) 281120171059.jpg
Another small update. (pictures are clickable)

Showing the beautiful roots. Somewhere in the root ball is an airstone haha, I guess she likes it. Would it help to add another stone for the next round?

you can get closer without reflectors
The strains I have grown so far with cobs, have not liked the lights to be any closer than 22" and that was "with" reflectors. I took those off and the lights are now 28"-30" or so. It's still a learning curve with cobs. I think I am going to put the reflectors back on for two of my plants, see what happens this time.

Could this (leaf curling) be light stress? I've noticed the lower leaves not having this so much as all the top leaves.

From these leaves the:
- HPS distance is 40CM
- COB distance is 40CM
They drop (looks sad?) before lights go out?

Lights are always on.

Some other possibilities I could think of, my pH is at 6.2 in the bucket. Maybe a bit high? I will make my next water at pH 5.8
I have also done some rigorous defoliation on her, maybe she is a bit stressed

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