Autoflower watering

Feb 23, 2021
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Hi everyone, that's my first grow ever and after a lot of research I still have questions and propably future issues with watering are coming up as propably I over watered as one of my 4 plants had droopy leaves this morning but looks better now..the rest of the plants look healthy even though couple cm shorter than they should be from according with pictures I saw on the web..So heres a bit info about my grow

I'm running a 400hps mh superplunt bulb at 50cm since day one in soil
I have good airflow and good temperature between 21 and 27 degrees since day one but my humidity it's most of the time below 55 and above 30 it's hard to keep the humidity high!!I ordered a humidifier it's coming in few days! I'm using biobiz light mix 85% and 15 % biobizz all mix in 3 gallon smart pots! It seems to work fine so far even with low humidity..
So today is day 14 here is my schedule from watering since day one
Day one 20ml around the plant and at base
Day two 20 ml around the plant and at base
Day 3 to 5 30 ml with the same way
Day 6 60 ml
Day 7 to 14 every other day
From now and on il start adding nutrients and il give 160 ml with some gaps between and slowly give more and more in the same way..BUT I'm wondering if I should give more water because the top of my soil is most of the times dry maybe too dry!!At day 13 I had my first run off...which I don't know what that means exactly??I should mention that my ph is allywas between 5.5 and 6.2

My question is should I give more water to plants as I see the soil to dry on top?I'm spraying every 4 or 6 hours on top but it's getting dry to fast..I'm afraid I'm not putting enough water in them :/ you can check the pictures bellow and please let me know any tips for watering..I should mention I didn't saturate the whole pot before I plant...I started with small doses of water..the hungry method but I don't know if it's for me..please help I don't want to hurt them!!!!I'm stressed
All the pics it's from day 13 and the word color it's from the bulb the plants it's all nice smooth green


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If those are fabric pots feel the bottom and sides is it still moist another way to tell if it's plastic or fabric by knowing what your containers weigh when fully watered and when dry and remember less is more don't go crazy on nutes you already have nutes in the soil. Focus on making soil biologically alive. has resources on making your own nutrients fermented plant juice and fermented fruit juice. If you have yogurt or kombucha add a tiny amount to your water to add lactic acid bacteria to your soil. If you can grow other crops messing up lettuce or tomatoes isn't as big a deal and you can gain experience. Also get chlorine out of your water if it's in it for these methods. It will kill good bacteria.
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If those are fabric pots feel the bottom and sides is it still moist another way to tell if it's plastic or fabric by knowing what your containers weigh when fully watered and when dry and remember less is more don't go crazy on nutes you already have nutes in the soil. Focus on making soil biologically alive. has resources on making your own nutrients fermented plant juice and fermented fruit juice. If you have yogurt or kombucha add a tiny amount to your water to add lactic acid bacteria to your soil. If you can grow other crops messing up lettuce or tomatoes isn't as big a deal and you can gain experience. Also get chlorine out of your water if it's in it for these methods. It will kill good bacteria.

Thank you very much for the tips much appreciated
I start watering small amounts daily working up m8.. my advice is to up your amounts str8 out of the blocks.. if temps are in ideal range your plants in that size of pot will be fine with 50/100ml per day first few days.. on to 150/200ml per day by day 7.. onto 250/500ml by day 14.. thats how I water in soil.. usually by day 21 I'm watering the pot to capacity.. for your pots.. around 10/12L I think.. capacity will be 1.5/2L in my experience. Hope that makes some sense.
I start watering small amounts daily working up m8.. my advice is to up your amounts str8 out of the blocks.. if temps are in ideal range your plants in that size of pot will be fine with 50/100ml per day first few days.. on to 150/200ml per day by day 7.. onto 250/500ml by day 14.. thats how I water in soil.. usually by day 21 I'm watering the pot to capacity.. for your pots.. around 10/12L I think.. capacity will be 1.5/2L in my experience. Hope that makes some sense.
It makes a lot of sense I will try it out!!
I start watering small amounts daily working up m8.. my advice is to up your amounts str8 out of the blocks.. if temps are in ideal range your plants in that size of pot will be fine with 50/100ml per day first few days.. on to 150/200ml per day by day 7.. onto 250/500ml by day 14.. thats how I water in soil.. usually by day 21 I'm watering the pot to capacity.. for your pots.. around 10/12L I think.. capacity will be 1.5/2L in my experience. Hope that makes some sense.
Makes a lot of sense I thank you so much for that your info is gold for me!!!I will try it out!!!I was almost sure I can put more water!!You are right about the pot size..since you replied to my question could you please let me know if you ever used co2 in your tent,?And about your humidity levels?my space is quite dry at the moment at 35% humidity it goes up to 55 but not more even if I hang 5 wet towels..Friday the humidifier will be inside the tent I hope I have time before flowering..And one last thing I noticed super tiny red spots on one of the plants on a specific leaf..even though I didn't use mutes soil is 85/15 % light mix/all mix biobizz..would be really helpful to have an answer on that if you have the time to answer..thank you very much
lease let me know if you ever used co2 in your tent,?

No never.

And about your humidity levels?

wow.. anywhere between 35 and 85.. gave up caring as beyond my control realistically.

And one last thing I noticed super tiny red spots on one of the plants on a specific leaf..even though I didn't use mutes soil is 85/15 % light mix/all mix biobizz

If only 1 leaf i wouldnt worry bro.. if it starts to spread then u have have issue.

Do not.. I repeat.. do not.. sweat the small stuff :thumbsup: :vibes:
Yes don't sweat the small stuff you don't want to cause I bigger problem trying to solve something the plant will resolve on its own
Also if your space is dry you can put a diy humidity dome over plant