Autoflower Super Soil Thread

well with Mikes you have to know when you either rebuild your soil and/or adding to an existing one that the endo and Ecto are more specific to cannabis.but at the same time all of them are really.since the others preform the dance as food and other feeder microbes and make sure build the dominance of the endo type specs and that should lend really nicely to a better soil balance.

you can harvest them from the land and build your own as far as spectrum specific and seperate type that are dominate within your mix(s). But I for one tend to use no less than three and often four or five if I have it..LOL! Tea's build to spec n so forth.i think it works really well.Make them from using Bokashi additions upon compost and get some inoculates such as an EM-1 or bran inoculate and you can build that batch for a while and add to it from scratch.

Can I mix it directly into my soil, like I would perlite, worm castings, guanos , etc? Or since it's so fine would it be better to mix into water or tea and pour that into the soil?

Would any of these be appropriate?
your best bet imo is to get a gel and use a concentrated aerated inoculate.add the endo gel and the others you mentioned you got.I like the BioAG VAM too.that works really nice for me too.the bokashi and the gel in the link you provided with a good soil mix should do real use Gil's link and make a cpl things and/or build them for a cpl months then add them to the soil and cook accordingly.many ways to go but ideally you want to add them to the soil and blend well,then imo you want to add a tea for your foods and another form or mellow life and wetting agent.that should do well.then add some oats n rice in a cpl weeks if there is micro life present.
Holy Pot farm Batman! What a great site! :Sharing One:

Yeah I love that site. I have been making all my own nutrients for a while and I love them. I have even considered selling them.. An Evol Organic Nutrient company might come about after the seed co takes off.
Yeah I love that site. I have been making all my own nutrients for a while and I love them. I have even considered selling them.. An Evol Organic Nutrient company might come about after the seed co takes off.

Now that sounds like a cool Idea and I'm considering an ebay store to sell organic gardening supplies!
New England Hydroponics Has
Pur Micos For Promix
In a Bucket fir 50 bucks ..I have used that over a Year now...And Added that to the Super brew i have