Autoflower Network Radio

I googled what that sounds like, and I agree. :rofl:


I'd love to come up with something myself so if I do I'll let you know. I can't do accents so you'd have to put up with my fairly standard sounds-like-a-12-year-old-girl voice!

[HASHTAG]#goelle[/HASHTAG] :vibe:@Eclectic Elle they are Working on getting a good video system going on we'll be holding you to that....:headbang:

However, love the idea of 50 Shades in a georgie accent (I haven't read it and I'm not going to) but, like Mossy, I'm not totally convinced :crying: Is there something that a lot of us would be interested in that could be read aloud? Mossy's Memoirs perhaps? :bighug:

If they had called it 50 shades of Green I might have picked it up thinking it was a grow book.......:crying:...

How's about if we contact Ed Rosenthall and ask if I can convert his book into 1 hour audio segments.....then you can go to sleep listening to Aunty whispering in your ear....Crackanory...(UK joke)

We can get it Translated for the USA members......:crying::crying::crying:

One idea we had (this is more of a fun one) is to bring on indie/small time music artists and put their music into a playlist. I've got a few friends in the recording industry that pointed me in the direction of some simple forms that would have to be filled out (in case someone comes knocking and needs proof that we had permission,) but otherwise we could let users submit in music and stream it 24 hours between the other recorded content (plus the live events.)

That includes any members who make their own music and would like to be included in the play list..........:headbang:

We also now have an official Vimeo account for AFN (a commercial account so we can advertise,) and our talented @912GreenSkell has been working on video tutorials for outdoor growing and the like! Got the inner-workings of "AFN TV" on a napkin in front of me haha!


@912GreenSkell has a Much Better voice..........:bighug:

We're going to be bringing a lot more video/multimedia to the site from our excursions as well!

Live videos and interviews from all of the Cannabis shows they attend............I'll never get to any canna shows in the USA.......but this way I can Enjoy them..the people and the atmosphere.......:bravo:

but the idea is to bring more of this stuff into YOUR guys homes, to bring that experience to those that can't have the experience. Plus we have fun doing it. Win-win!

Yeah...about that...they did tell you that the GoPro driver had to stay sober huh....?....:eyebrows:...until the end of the show........


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I very much like the idea of a roster of upcoming artists. It can certainly be a niche market in todays music streaming world. I have a large library of music and do not stream music, but so many millions enjoy steaming. I can't imagine not being able to find a niche "anchor" sponsor. I should think there will be quite a few. Good luck with the station.
An update on this; I've decided to switch platforms up a bit and we are officially going to be moving away from Mixlr (it's just not featured enough for what I want.) That said, the new radio broadcast service is bought and paid for, we're set to stream 24 hours a day, and I'm working on it actively as I type this! I've consulted with a few friends in the music industry about what it would take to bring on small-time/indie music artists for playing some tunes, and we're going to give that a shot here as well (requires some two-party forms to be filled out in case "the man" comes knocking,) but if anyone out there is musically inclined and has produced their own stuff, we'd be more than happy to give you some air time while we get this baby launched!

We'll be replaying all of our past interviews as well and the streams will play in loops until we build out enough firm content. We'll also be going live still with the interviews, and the new software allows us better scheduling, programming, and even bringing on guests DJ's.

On top of that, I'm trying to figure out how we can allow "guest calling" on the interviews, to allow people to skype-call in or call in from their phones to ask questions on the interviews. The new software still allows a chat window during the live sessions too, so our loyal radio fans (and there are a few of you lol,) can still chat it up and ham it up!

We'll be adding a button at the top of the menu on the forum to the radio as well for easier access, and I'm working on a player that would load in the sidebar so if you wanted to listen in while browsing, it's a click of the play-button away.

On top of all THAT, I do a majority of my interview through Skype, and a vendor asked if we could keep the cam on (creeeeepy.) lol! Kidding aside, I wouldn't see why we couldn't actually do that, and so I've got some software now to record the skype video/audio as well while I'm doing the interviews, so we'll see how it pans out but I plan on releasing our interviews with the video included on our new Vimeo account!

So some new things, updated things, interesting things, musical things!
That was a very informative and fun show. Your interviewing skills are getting better as we move along. You can keep it entertaining Wich is hard.