New Grower Autoflower Network Instagram Showcase........ A-Train needs the help of the community.

Lemon haze auto emerald triangle seeds
Whats up AFN..... i need you guys to help me PLEASE.......

Im wanting to start pushing AFN on Instagram. What i need is to share our beautiful grown autoflowers with the world. In this thread if you could post any beautigul shots of buds, macros, plants.... oil, wax, dabs ,bongs ,joints...... ANYTHING AUTOFLOWER..... please share it with me here and let me share it with the world .....

Please post light/ breeder/ nutes/ ... anything to do with the grow so i can tag... smart pot / air pot / autopot
*uck ya ATrain !!!!
bubba cheese/ emerald triangle seeds
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greenhouse 66.5N lat., direct sun 10-11 hrs a day, light 24 hrs a day, composted garden soil, worm castings, high N and high P bat guano, dolomite, in a 3 gal smart pot
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