New Grower has peaked?

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Speed Bump - Chemistry Comics And Cartoons _ The Cartoonist Group.jpg
Speed Bump - Animal Test Comics And Cartoons _ The Cartoonist Group.jpg
Re_ Those crazy Goats____.jpg
think I will throw a question out there, see who catches it.
ever get those "what-the-fuck-am-I-doing-with-my-life" moments when you're blitzed and realise you got enough going on to get you in seriously deep shit?,
and you don't even need half of what you got. damn why is my hobby still illegal?
we gweedy, check the pipe above
has that look....

That's funny shit right there!!! Sorry I just fell in here a few minutes ago... Threw up a couple posts didn't even know what thread or whose thread I was in....

That's because I love this place. It doesn't. Matter what the threads or about or who started it, its all good.
I surf threadson AFN. All day everyday.. I might not say anything but I'm always here and it seems like no matter where I go I am welcomed. That says to me AFN has not peaked..

Like I said I fell into this thread just seeing what's up.. Now that I read into it i think its all bullshit!!!! Except for what sense was spilled forth by community members...

Well I guess in pretty baked and I've spouted off enough back to trimmings....

Have a great day @turtle360 :pass:
Cheers indeed, to me it doesn't matter wether I win or not the fact that someone has nominated me and thinks my buds are the buds of the month is enough [emoji41]

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