The members speak for themselves. Yep we have things to work on. Nothing is perfect. What we do at AFN is different than other forums.
I have seen AFN grow from a small group of us, to all of these great people coming and sharing. We've seen good people go and great ones stay. We've lost members to sickness and MIA.
It's no different than any other family.
I've seen allot happen on AFN in the last 6 years.. One thing is for sure.. This place is going no where. The vibe grows and grows.
I can say for sure that as staff we try and be as fair as we can. Anyone who deals with people knows you can't please everyone, but you can be fair!
We are moving to a for profit model to help better serve the community. You can see the results of that. Industry interest in the site speaks for itself. We aren't just a mom and pop anymore.
Canada is just legalizing, there will be allot of people getting into autos just because it grows so easy here.
I think we have just scratched the surface with AFN.