Autoflower gurus, I call upon thee

May 5, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Outdoor bud
Good day Autoflower masters.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my plant, I am a total newbie and need some help with yellowing leaves. It is a Dinafem moby dick auto. 20 days old.

I have just got myself a pH pen and have been feeding with plain water pH between 6 - 6.5 .

I have also recently added some organic fertilizer, incase it was a deficiency or something. Trying to keep it as simple as possible being my first grow.

Full CFL setup, totaling about 400watts.


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The beginnings of potassium deficiency imo. Up your nutes a little or give a bit of bloom nutes, if you have any.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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I unfortunately only have a organic fertilizer at the moment. But I did add some more fertilizer this morning along with water ph between 6 and 6.5.

Thanks for the advice
I unfortunately only have a organic fertilizer at the moment. But I did add some more fertilizer this morning along with water ph between 6 and 6.5.

Thanks for the advice
I use organic too but purchased. You can soak a banana peel in water for a few days and add the water to your grow. Or boil for quicker extraction of potassium.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Thank you very much! I will give that a try. Otherwise the plant looks okay for its age?
...what soil is this, and what specific organic nutes used, dosages, frequency? I don't think this is K defc., new grwoth is affected,..looks more like nute burn, or the pH is way off and certain nutes are getting locked out,....
...what soil is this, and what specific organic nutes used, dosages, frequency? I don't think this is K defc., new grwoth is affected,..looks more like nute burn, or the pH is way off and certain nutes are getting locked out,....

70% potting soil, 30% Coco. Atlantic organic all purpose fertilizer, one tablespoon worked into the top soil, gave once. Have just got a pH pen and started ph'ing my water to 6-6.5

Thanks!, I mean what soil brand is this? Making a coco blend waters down the true soils nutrient value, and complicates the Ca-Mg supplementing,.. the whole CEC behavior is changed, and now you're in-between what's best for soil vs what's best for coco,... I'd start using a Ca-Mg supplement right away,... what's you water source? Consider getting a TDS or EC meter too,...
...odd reaction to such light feeding,.. what's the NPK#'s on that stuff?
... in-pot pH needs to be determined... what you adjust to does help with soil pH, but where the soil is actually at is another matter... too many influencing factors in there,... two way to test: with a decent soil pH probe, like the Accurate 8, a pro' model soil probe ($$), or the dubious run-off test,....straight run-off is not a accurate measure of in-pot pH; we have an improved method for this in the colored section above this one, but a very crude measure can be taken with run-off using RO/Di water only, unadjusted, watered through enough to collect about a cup of it, using the last 1/4 cup through for then test,.. if it way off, like in the 5's or above 7, we know the pH is badly off regardless and can start corrective steps,.... be sure your pH meter is calibrated, and is cleaned and stored ion the right solutions made for it (never let it dry out), or the accuracy will suffer,....