Couple of changes made!
●All the girls are now showing sex!
●LST framework added

LST for all!
●Intense leaf tucking
Tent ShotView attachment 1045145
MBAPView attachment 1045146 View attachment 1045147
3 Bears OGView attachment 1045148 View attachment 1045149
SkywalkerView attachment 1045150 View attachment 1045151
Bubbly LiversView attachment 1045152 View attachment 1045153
Shout out to the big homie
@Vapo69 for letting me steal his framework idea! It works like a charm! Cheap and easy, and gets the job done! Fabric pots need something....and this is great!
My young ladies are looking very nice! The 2 more sativa leaning phenos I have, got the frame 2 days ago and the smaller 2, more indica build girls just had a single bend for lst....they got frames today as well. They all responded beautifully of course...so they got bent over and spanked again!! Woot woot! I aim to please

Dont want to deprive them of their spanking now do we???

So far I am loving the progress...MBAP is now the biggest! Competing with Sky for tallest girl..she said she's a strong independent woman lol...she was apparently upset that I was so worried about her for nothing, so she had to prove me wrong!
Typical woman!
She has a very open structure...super duper easy to train. Those little furry bushed ladies however, are tricky though.
Her and Skywalker are similar build...I definitely hit the Ripleys pheno with the MBAP...and Skywalker is a beast anyway, I have grown her twice before...but shes gonna be so so so much better this time! EXCITED!!
3 bears and BLivers....doing their thing Just gonna be naturally smaller structured plants I think. This will be my first time running either of them...but I know they are BOMB-ASS! Heard good things...and plus....
@mephisto just doesn't have bad shit...period.
Thanks for stopping in!
Any feedback is welcome and wanted! Good or bad! I'm definitely happy with my setup this time around! Come on 3 months!!