:smoking: What's good 'J?

..... hmmm, seen a lot of this in SickBay over the years: color break (looks like variegation-- it ain't!), and the leaf distortion... true, some early leaves can form up funky, pretty common with seedlings, but if it persists past a couple sets of true leaves, it's likely to stay more often than not... Sometimes they grow fine, sometimes not from what I hear back on, so all you can do is run as usual and watch her performance,.. if she starts to lag well behind, be bitchy about nutes, or environmental hiccups, consider ditching her....

-- something I'd make every grower learn a bit about! So much in a grow connects back to this, it's as fundamental as pH..... There's a good article and video link in the Reference Section on this,... Also look into the humic-fulvic and chelation one, great tidbits in there! That, Si and micronute supplements, and inoculants are core goodies in all my grows-