Indoor with Autobeast 2018 autobeast, how to grow a perfect healthy auto. start to finish

Indoor growing with Autobeast 2018
good day growers. so this new thread i will explain exactly what i do to grow a perfect healthy auto. and show that less is always best. alot of growers ask how i achive great healthy plants. so i will share with u all. to start off il just be stating what to use and when. and as time goes on pics of plants i grow and info will continue to be posted. as always all questions always welcome, always happy to help, so here we go,

the most important thing of ur grow is ur medium. this is were ur plant spends all of its life. so always do ur research. i use biobizz lightmix. absolutley amazing stuff, designed to and does keeps itself in perfect ph range. and is designed to work best with ph perfect feed. combine the 2 and magic will happen. true;)
so if u got ur biobizz lightmix ur good to go.
next u want to buy some decent fabric pots, great for a fast growing plant. great drainage and airiation to ur roots. 3 and 5 gal fabric pot will grow u a big auto;)
so u fill ur fabric pot up with biobizz lightmix. then i soak the mediun of each pot with 2., 1.5 litre bottles of water, containing 2ml of dutch pro take root and 2ml dutch pro mutli total in each bottle. so in total each pot gets soaked 3 litres;)
then drop in your bean as best suits u then into the tent, and wait for its head to pop above ground;)

all my plants get now is plain tap water when needed for the first 3 weeks of life. the soil does everything for you. in 3 weeks ul have a beautiful healthy plant for sure.
so my feed i use is ph perfect. advanced nutrients sensi grow and bloom, sensi calmag. and mollases for late bloom;)
so at 3 weeks of age my girls get there first feed of veg. 2ml of a and b sensi grow to 1.5litre of water. each plant gets its own bottle every feed time. il now feed each plant twice a week every 3 days.
and every week i bump the mls up 1 ml per week until im at 5ml of a and b.
also always plain water inbetween feeds very important for key health of ur ladies. il feed with veg until i see stretch has stopped so only about 2 weeks of veg feed then onto bloom.

when i start with bloom feed sensi bloom. straight in at 5ml of a and b. i also start with sensi calmag at 1.5ml per bottle. mix it into the feed. again feed every 3 days twice a week always plain water between feeds. keep doing this and the job is done. when u got full flowers maybe 3 week before harvest. add a few dripples of mollases here and there into the bottles of feed makes buds super frosty, works a treat.
here some pics of my current auto grow. to show how my combinations and methods grow a perfect healthy auto everytime. and prove less is always best;) the 3 small plants at the front all still on plain water;)
well thats all for now growers. all questions welcome as always;)
happy growing every1 :pass::pass::salute:
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Currently using his grow guide now. 31 days in and my plant is a beast. Really easy to follow guide.
I’m in coco and love it but looking to try something different just because. Since Beast started this years ago can I confirm or not that you use the light mix and identical nutrients? Also I‘m curious (a) what pot size (b) approximately what your watering and feed days schedule is for that pot. I’m in coco so I fertigate daily which is easy peasy for me but it’s all I know and I’m currently only on my third grow and feel I should expand my horizons before I get too comfy. I’m just leery about the guessing part when it comes to over/under watering so I’m curious what different growers average with particular pot sizes. Thanks a bunch! :pass:
I'm in coco too, DrainToWaste system, 3-gallon fabric pots, fertigating with greenleafnutrients "MegaCrop 1-part" every 12 hours until 10-20% runoff. With a 100w LED board per plant, and 30" x 30" space per plant I've been averaging 6 oz. per plant.

I tried a few grows in peat/compost first, but my plants were small and sickly and I wasn't good at diagnosing problems. Still got good bud, but small harvests.

I've read that DTW is not good for the environment if the runoff winds up in a body of water, so I've been tossing my runoff in the yard and garden instead of down the drain. I'd like to learn to do soil properly next, but the coco was good for this newby to get me up and running quick, and was the cheapest option.
now following Autobeast method, so when it comes to the first feeding @ 3 weeks, which is also around time to top,
is it better to first feed before or after topping ? maybe it won't really matter.
Hello it dont matter which way you do it :thumbsup:
sorry, another question please; when I start bloom feed along with 1.5ml cal-mag, do I continue giving cal-mag each feeding from here on along with bloom feed ?

Thank you !
I wouldn't feed Calmag on every feeding, if your using Bio-Bizz light, I wouldn't even feed them any nutrients for 27 days. The soil has your back and most common issues will arise from over feeding your girls. The last 4 or five grows I've done following the AutoBeast method I haven't had the need to feed any calmag throughout the entire grow.
Wanted to get opinions on this one plant, seems all the new growth is very light green color, hoping OK/normal
does this indicate something wrong ? Maybe normal ?
far left ,it is Amnesia Haze auto 46 days, starting to turn to flowering.

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She looks ok to me for day 46, maybe a little light'ish. Have you started feeding in bloom nutrients yet or are you waiting for stretch to finish? If your concerned, you can always use the infirmary pinned thread, just fill out the form and a real expert will give you a better answer. :toke:
I often see variation in depth of green color with different plants receiving the same feed; even the same strain in the same pot.

Presuming it's just phenotypic variation and you think it needs some additional N, consider foliar feeding - faster, doesn't affect the mediium/soil. [I see a sprayer in the pictures].

