Dutch Passion Auto White Widow & Auto Cinderella Jack

That's interesting with the black tail. For the first time ever I lost a bean to mold. Pretty strange, it popped open then got fuzzy and black near the base. I wonder if something similar happen to yours
See this had no fuzz which is why it was weird to me..
looked more like it was actually black even towards the toss out it wasn’t fuzzy..
I’m still at a loss.. every time something weird happens it doesn’t work out lol even the time I had two sprouts one seed
Could have been like an internal problem... could be improperly stored but I highly doubt that seeing how I have worse ones that are fine
The botanical equivalent of s.i.d.s.
I wasn’t shaking babies lmao..
think of it more as free radical cells

I’ve done a shit job on the journalisms here, but I’m trying . This plant is way past the expected time of life. And I think it’ll be another 3 weeks before anything.. she’s looking like it’s finally puffin up. Things are hard though.

Wondering how or why people stuff like 10 plants in a 4x4
Last dp strain I ran went over 100 days. Filled up my 3x3 with just one plant
In my personal experiences the only auto that’s going to give a nice harvest are the longer ones..
That’s why I selected the longer flowering times for my project.
The DJ short was a 60 day strain.. was also only supposed to be like 16 inches tall and a straight 1 Oz “bottle bud” it Went twice as long and gave 4x the pot. And wasn’t babied in the slightest bit.
I would like to chat with DJ about a few things.
maybe @dankstyle J will walk down the road for me lol :crying::pass:
I know he’s be interested in what I have to discuss he only puts it in all his literature
I must say sorry to tony and jay
I’ve just been sick as a dog lately..
Like real bad... but imma kill the white widow which looks like I botched it at the finish because I honestly did..
I’ve been dead.. my misses is a superstar for being able to handle lil momo this whole time while working from home...
My phone was nowhere to be found until today I’ve been delusional lately and finally was able to walk around yesterday..
My tent was a nightmare I watered things and they perked back up a bit but I seriously was gonna write it off...
I’ll be back with pictures later

Picture of the mess I created


Frosty though....my gawd
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@Les @HLG is this light not supposed to work on the first couple clicks upwards??