Auto Warriors Do.... Mephisto 1st time...

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And @mephisto mitch !!


Mitch ,i am in my first grow if walter whites,i only hear great things about tour genetics...My question is,Have any of your strains been tested for potency and CBD content,and if so what are the results..Thank You

Hey we have a thread in our subforum for test results.
Mostly we see high teens to low 20's for thc,
The highest ever was 25% from an alien vs triangle.
So far we've found little to no levels of cbd.
Usually as we're breeding for seeds with the best plants they don't make the best test subjects for potency.
However we do have an initiative setup where if people have access to a lab and want to pay for a test we'll reimburse them in seeds.
Mitch ,i am in my first grow if walter whites,i only hear great things about tour genetics...My question is,Have any of your strains been tested for potency and CBD content,and if so what are the results..Thank You

Hey we have a thread in our subforum for test results.
Mostly we see high teens to low 20's for thc,
The highest ever was 25% from an alien vs triangle.
So far we've found little to no levels of cbd.
Usually as we're breeding for seeds with the best plants they don't make the best test subjects for potency.
However we do have an initiative setup where if people have access to a lab and want to pay for a test we'll reimburse them in seeds.
A music break to let Mitch catch up,,
I think personally if you've bought seeds, they're yours to do as you please with.. To a degree.
For example with bog or karma or any of our favourite breeders, it's a big investment in time and resources to bring an 'auto from scratch' project to term. 2 years more or less, and I think as long as you give credit where it's due that's the polite thing to do.

The only thing we don't do, and that I would frown upon is the straight up copying of a strain for re-sale purposes only
Thank you Mitch for your answer, that has cleared up a slightly grey area.:pass:
@mephisto Thanks for joining us Mitch.

My question is what was it like coming into a an industry that is already bulging with seed banks and breeders? I mean it must have been hard to find you feet at the beginning with so many other Auto breeders out there? Was there ever a time you felt that your company wouldnt make it? Was it hard to get established?
Hi Mitch very nice to meet you my brother I have not had the pleasure yet to grow mephisto genetics as I'm fairly new to autoflowers but after the grows on here I'm most definitely be growing some soon could you be so kind to tell me what's ure most potent strain and quickest please peace ✌

Fastest and most potent in combination, I would have to go with the now 'classic mephisto' - sour crack.

Grape crinkle also romps to the finish line very quickly!
Hey we have a thread in our subforum for test results.
Mostly we see high teens to low 20's for thc,
The highest ever was 25% from an alien vs triangle.
So far we've found little to no levels of cbd.
Usually as we're breeding for seeds with the best plants they don't make the best test subjects for potency.
However we do have an initiative setup where if people have access to a lab and want to pay for a test we'll reimburse them in seeds.
Awesome!! colorado has plenty of test facilities ,ill get some tested in about 65-80 days,Thank You
as mitch powers threw these question like a boss ....
do it tonight!!!!!
live on afn !!!!
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