Auto Warriors Do...Heavyweight Seeds...Live Interview

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Thanks very much to you all for spending your time with us. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with the AFN, and we would like to show our grattitude to them with a big hug.
Please stay tunned on our Facebook fanpage, and dont forget you can always contact us trought all the diferent ways we have online.
We keep in touch, we love to see our family is getting bigger!
Thats not a problem!
I am Canadian and have bought all my HEAVY WEIGHT gear off of a very trustworthy seed bank that deals in nothing but autos. They sent the seeds in the original packaging they all sprouted like champs. But to each is own @1939bear I understand your desire to get them directly but sometimes it is just not happening. Lets hope with legalization comes a plethora of seed companies willing to sell gear directly to us CANADIANS
I think they have signed off for now wow what a great time EH my fellow AFN'RS

A massive thank you Heavy Weight Seeds:d5:
It's been great having you here with us!
Thank you for spending time with us and answering our questions!
You guys rock :headbang:

Thanks very much to you all! PM us for contacting us! Have a good nigh you all, and dream with tons and tons of weed!!
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