Auto Warriors Do..GoAuto6..for the CannaZone.

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South west represent when it come to the pumpkin king throwing down.
I don't just talk smack i also will smack anyone ass who tries to carve better then me.
Here is last years effort so you can all see what you are up against!

You wanna beat me, then this awesome pumpkin is what you have to beat! Suckers!!
You might have a chance... Remember I'm blind in one eye and can't see out of the other
Well ladies and gentlemen time has caught up with us again and we have come to the end of the interview with GoAuto6.
I'd just like to say waht a pleasure it has been to have GoAuto6 here with us!
We have learned so much about the Terrestrial Bean Company you can get them here -
A big thanks also for bringing us the Pumpkin carving contest! Who down? Think you can beat arty in a carve off? Who's got the balls to try and beat me?

So a massive thanks To GoAuto6 you did us proud!
South west represent when it come to the pumpkin king throwing down.
I don't just talk smack i also will smack anyone ass who tries to carve better then me.
Here is last years effort so you can all see what you are up against!

You wanna beat me, then this awesome pumpkin is what you have to beat! Suckers!!
my man! sideways
once again live stoners rolling with our own!, GoAuto6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My apologies warriors for missing the interview. And this one was important to me.
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