Auto Warriors Do..GoAuto6..for the CannaZone.

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MAN, I remember GO when he was newer(YEARS AGO NOW) trying out and qualifying for his first staff Job. WOW he was johnny on the spot with the welcomes and stuff.pretty impressive PC skills. and look at him now. i mean DAMN! damn beautiful job brother!! Truly!!

@GoAuto6 hey man, where can i order some next generation dragons man? wanna grow me some of that magic loveliness :D

It's been a long time been along time!!!!! the next batch should head out to the by feb or march, he dose have packs on hand to get through till then..
nighty. nite, hello everyone, hope all have a great day...
we seem to be having a full meltdown at q34**base camp budelee
Are the seeds available for sale yet, and what soil and /or nutrients would you recommend?
I like SunShineMix [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] and as for nutrients thats between a grower and his plants.. "I'm liking the Nector Of The God's" And my favorite super easy is the Grow More Line Veg 16-16-16
and there flower 4-26-26 and Hawian bud 5-50-17 seed's are at
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