Auto Warriors Do...Dinafem-Mark again 17-11-16

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My two shorter ones are very close in size but one is noticeably frostier then the other so maybe I have three phenos either way I love all of them ...

Funny you should say this as the only diference ive found is a 2% increase in yield from extract runs so yes you have the 3 phenos mate :toke:
Dinafem Fruit:

Fruit - all pic1 -11-16-2016.jpg
Mark do you have a deep cheese auto? I can't seem to find it. I have 2 that are day 100 and now just over 6 feet tall 4 foot wide
I did mate :thumbsup: nothng major only smoke report and product reviews for weedworld, soft secrets, why not news etc, nothing really major :thumbsup: Me and @lilm00re14 did a colab not to long ago :toke:
I have some editions of weed world, Europe knows how to make magazines They are so much glossier in picture and the quality is outstanding I am a huge collector of magazines from around the world and they are usually bigger to. I will pull out my weed world which are ten years old easy and see if I can find a article or two. You are a stand up guy D.F.M. and it shows in these interviews and you truly care I have received emails from you asking how it was going with the cbd haze auto you are very outstanding in this community:karmacloud:
@Dinafem-Mark do you have a report on the Cannafest Prague??
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