Auto Warriors Do.....budelee Live...

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Anyone seen my Zimmer frame ???

Come on a jokes a joke but.......oh hang on, I spotted this spectre at the scene of the crime


Wasn't you was it @Mossy

Naw, you wouldn't.......would you ? Can someone help me up please ?
It's them hollow tube eP they make great pipes & chillums, RIP zimmer frame hello new pipes.
Contact arty for your once in a life time Electric penguin pipe, once they're gone they are gone.
Better hurry up the penguin is getting closer hour by hour and he is only in the next room:crying:
You'll laugh you arse of I'll see if I can find the link!
we were having fun at your expense but that's what we do with our mates!

What up LS peeps!! A NOTHER stupid ass day of adult stuff, booooooooooooo. What is everyone else up to, me I personally like daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabs [HASHTAG]#dabchurch[/HASHTAG]
Okay guys I hope i had a chance to answer everyones questions,,Thank You for the interview,Im always around if anyone ever has any questions,or wants any @arty zan @mohawk warrior ..lets hit the exit music please...that damn goat is getting away.....peace guys
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