It's them hollow tube eP they make great pipes & chillums, RIP zimmer frame hello new pipes.
Contact arty for your once in a life time Electric penguin pipe, once they're gone they are gone.
Better hurry up the penguin is getting closer hour by hour and he is only in the next room
What up LS peeps!! A NOTHER stupid ass day of adult stuff, booooooooooooo. What is everyone else up to, me I personally like daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabs [HASHTAG]#dabchurch[/HASHTAG]
Okay guys I hope i had a chance to answer everyones questions,,Thank You for the interview,Im always around if anyone ever has any questions,or wants any @arty zan@mohawk warrior ..lets hit the exit music please...that damn goat is getting away.....peace guys
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